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Thread: the all new iRealb Pro 5.0 comments?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default the all new iRealb Pro 5.0 comments?

    The new iRealb 5.0 downloaded automatically on my iPad. It was quite a shock

    I haven't played with it much but I'm sure it will be fine since I'm sure it was designed for ios7.
    Does anybody have any comments on it ?

    I'm also very curious about how the developers here feel about IOS7?
    I get the feeling it's better for the developers then it is for users.
    Auto updates aren't always the best thing for users and ios7 takes up more space then 6 and that's definitely not a good thing for users.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    I love it. Though users should have the option if they want to keep their old version. But if remember I think I did have the option ..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    As far as I can tell, the old and the new apps perhaps share some of the same preferences, and library, but they seem to coexist here on the same machine... haven't opened both at once, but the alias for the old version successfully finds the old version that I moved to the desktop on macbook pro, and so far, I see no flames or smoke....

    IF having both versions installed at once will have silly consequences, someone please let me know... but so far, very short time, nothing has died on me

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Hey john kip

    If you're talking about the Mac version , I started a thread in the Mac forum so you may want to move the comments over there.
    What's your OS ?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Bobsax View Post
    Hey john kip

    If you're talking about the Mac version , I started a thread in the Mac forum so you may want to move the comments over there.
    What's your OS ?
    yup I am typing about the MAC version....and I thought I was there.... I was wrong....thanks...that's twice today I've been wrong....time to go to bed.

  6. #6


    Two wishes, option to adjust volume of count in and instrument option of guitar (string pad would be great) rather than piano or rhodes.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    I'm liking the new version a whole lot. I'd hoped that perhaps with the new chord layout they could easily have added the ability to make B#, E# and Fb chords for writing in the keys of C# and Cb, . . . but I guess I'm probably the only one.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default What's in the upgrade?

    I'm using old iReal b on an iPhone 4 (iOS 5). I'm happy with it.

    Does anyone know what's the improvement in Pro? Why would I want to upgrade? What's better? And will it run on iOS 5?



  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Tone View Post
    I'm using old iReal b on an iPhone 4 (iOS 5). I'm happy with it.

    Does anyone know what's the improvement in Pro? Why would I want to upgrade? What's better? And will it run on iOS 5?


    Hi Tone
    you may want to wait a bit. The main thing I'd say is don't get IOS 7.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2013


    I think I'm plain old confused. Massimobio was kind to make available the 1300 tunes which i downloaded on both iPad4 and iPhone5. The "old" iRealb version worked great with them. Bought the Piano Scales and Chord Scales modules. Lovely. Then I updated the iPhone5 to the "Pro" version and all 1300 tunes are gone along with the Piano Scales and Chord Scales modules. So guess I have to buy them again.

    Do I need to do so separately for iPad vs iPhone?

    (later.....) it's nice when I answer my own question. Went to buy them again, the store said I'd already bought so click okay to download for free.

    The iRealb people must be in the Hall of Fame. Truly stellar app and functionality. Still prefer the old menu system. Maybe I'll learn to like the new one.
    Last edited by 8ty8; 11-01-2013 at 01:20 AM.


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