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Thread: key in playlist not preserved via email mac(irb v2.5.1) --> Android (irb v1.6)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default key in playlist not preserved via email mac(irb v2.5.1) --> Android (irb v1.6)

    I email a playlist from irealb v 2.5.1 osx
    to android irealb v 1.6 and all keys revert to the default. This
    is truly horrible.

    I am unable to upgrade to a more recent mac version of irealb
    because the 10.6.7 Mac I'm on isn't at the most recent Lion rev.
    I'm unwilling to upgrade because I need this machine for legacy
    testing because I actually support people who don't kneejerk
    update every time Steve's ghost comes back from the past
    into an update alert.

    Is there anything I'm doing wrong or is it something irealb
    is doing wrong to discard my painstakingly entered singer keys
    for the evening?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Before the song view keys were saved in exports, we used to change a song's key in song edit>info, transpose, Set and transpose. It can always be transposed in song view, but exported, it defaults to each song's default key as set in song info.
    I usually tag the title of the song with the singer's name or something, so I know it is in their key as I have different singers singing the same songs but in different keys.


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