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Thread: Jazz Practice Exercises

  1. #611


    Quote Originally Posted by JuanitaQ View Post
    Great, thank you!

    Wow, I had no idea you could create your own charts! This is excellent, thanks so much!
    At the top of most every app page is a question mark (?) in a circle.
    Check out all the helpful stuff that lives in there.

  2. #612
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Default IMEP ETI_119•4 【ii V I IV】Drill dernière ligne

    Backing ii V I IV - IMEP ETI Drill Dernière Ligne (la saisie Yixin)

  3. #613
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Default IMEP ETI_119-1-1【I IV V I】Drill dernière ligne

    Backing I IV V I - IMEP ETI 119-1-1 Drill Derniere Ligne

  4. #614
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Default IMEP ETI_119-1-2【I V IV I】Drill dernière ligne

    Backing I V IV I - IMEP ETI 119-1-2 Drill Derniere Ligne

  5. #615
    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    Default Chords and progressions

    Chords And Progressions (24)

    1. Chords (Major 7) - Unknown Composer
    2. Chords (Major 7#11) - Unknown Composer
    3. Chords (Min7) - Unknown Composer
    4. Chords (Dom 7) - Unknown Composer
    5. Dominante Alterado - Unknown Composer
    6. Dom7b9b13 - Unknown Composer
    7. Dom7#11 - Unknown Composer
    8. Meio Diminuto - Unknown Composer
    9. Diminuto - Unknown Composer
    10. Major ii-V-I - Exercise
    11. Minor ii-V-I - Exercise
    12. Chords (Turnaound 1) - Exercise
    13. Chords (Turnaound 2) - Exercise
    14. Chords (Turnaound 3) - Exercise
    15. Chords (Turnaound 4) - Exercise
    16. Chords (Turnaound 5) - Exercise
    17. Chords (Giant Steps) - Exercise
    18. Chords (Tritone Sub) - Exercise
    19. Chords (Sub Up A Min 3rd) - Exercise
    20. Chords (Sub Down A Maj 3rd) - Exercise
    21. Blues - Jazz 1 1 - Exercise
    22. Blues - Minor 1 1 - Exercise
    23. Blues - Bird 1 - Exercise
    24. Rhythm Changes 1 2 - Exercise

  6. #616
    Join Date
    Mar 2023

    Default Practice

    Practice (5)

    1. 251 Blues - Unknown Composer
    2. 2 5 1 6 Blues - 6Do To 2m เล่น 2Harm ได้
    3. Jazz Blues Easy - Unknown Composer
    4. Jazz Blues (Add 2 5 Minor) - Unknown Composer
    5. Harmonic Minor (3,6DominantChord) - Unknown Composer
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 03-20-2024 at 12:22 PM. Reason: Moved to existing thread

  7. #617
    Join Date
    Mar 2021

    Default Building a Jazz Vocabulary

    Building a Jazz Vocabulary (24)

    1. Major Root Progression #1 - Mike Steinel
    2. Dominant Root Progression #1 - Mike Steinel
    3. Minor Root Progression #1 - Mike Steinel
    4. Half-Diminished Root Progression #1 - Mike Steinel
    5. Major Root Progression #2 - Mike Steinel
    6. Dominant Root Progression #2 - Mike Steinel
    7. Minor Root Progression #2 - Mike Steinel
    8. Half-Diminished Root Progression #2 - Mike Steinel
    9. Major Root Progression #3 - Mike Steinel
    10. Dominant Root Progression #3 - Mike Steinel
    11. Minor Root Progression #3 - Mike Steinel
    12. Half-Diminished Root Progression #3 - Mike Steinel
    13. Major Root Progression #4 - Mike Steinel
    14. Minor Root Progression #4 - Mike Steinel
    15. Half-Diminished Root Progression #4 - Mike Steinel
    16. Dominant Root Progression #4 - Mike Steinel
    17. Major Root Progression #5 - Mike Steinel
    18. Dominant Root Progression #5 - Mike Steinel
    19. Minor Root Progression #5 - Mike Steinel
    20. Half-Diminished Root Progression #5 - Mike Steinel
    21. Major Root Progression #6 - Mike Steinel
    22. Dominant Root Progression #6 - Mike Steinel
    23. Minor Root Progression #6 - Mike Steinel
    24. Half-Diminished Root Progression #6 - Mike Steinel

  8. #618
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Thanks, this is close to what I wanted.

    I like 2-5-1 in the whole note scale. I'm going to try to figure out how to attach it here...

    UPDATE: I can't figure it out. But here it is.
    Last edited by reggoboy; 05-17-2024 at 06:37 PM.

  9. #619


    Quote Originally Posted by reggoboy View Post
    Thanks, this is close to what I wanted.

    I like 2-5-1 in the whole note scale. I'm going to try to figure out how to attach it here...

    UPDATE: I can't figure it out. But here it is.

    Sorry, that’s not going to work.

    Please review the guidelines for posting charts:

    Follow these simple instructions

    This might help too.
    Hidden Clipboard...


  10. #620

    Default 12-Bar Blues Variations

    The 12-bar blues is always a good place to teach or practice concepts. Over the years, I have compiled a bunch of variations. Some, I wrote myself, others I transcribed from different sources, whether from books, sites, or videos. Unfortunately, I did not always note the exact sources. Here they are.

    **RP 12-Bar Jazz Blues variations (60)

    Individual songs:
    12 Bar Jazz Blues Progressions 1 - swingguitarguy - .
    12 Bar Jazz Blues Progressions 2 - swingguitarguy - .
    Aebersold - 17 Variations On Blues #1-3 - SwingGuitarGuy - Jamey Aebersold - Dan Hearle
    Aebersold - 17 Variations On Blues #4-6 - SwingGuitarGuy - Jamey Aebersold - Dan Hearle
    Aebersold - 17 Variations On Blues #7-9 - SwingGuitarGuy - Jamey Aebersold - Dan Hearle
    Aebersold - 17 Variations On Blues #10-12 - SwingGuitarGuy - Jamey Aebersold - Dan Hearle
    Aebersold - 17 Variations On Blues #13-15 - SwingGuitarGuy - Jamey Aebersold - Dan Hearle
    Aebersold - 17 Variations On Blues #16-17 - SwingGuitarGuy - Jamey Aebersold - Dan Hearle
    Aebersold - Variations On Blues #1 - SwingGuitarGuy - Jamey Aebersold - Dan Hearle
    Aebersold - Variations On Blues #2 - SwingGuitarGuy - Jamey Aebersold - Dan Hearle
    Aebersold - Variations On Blues #3 - SwingGuitarGuy - Jamey Aebersold - Dan Hearle
    Aebersold - Variations On Blues #4 - SwingGuitarGuy - Jamey Aebersold - Dan Hearle
    Aebersold - Variations On Blues #5 - SwingGuitarGuy - Jamey Aebersold - Dan Hearle
    Aebersold - Variations On Blues #6 - SwingGuitarGuy - Jamey Aebersold - Dan Hearle
    Aebersold - Variations On Blues #7 - SwingGuitarGuy - Jamey Aebersold - Dan Hearle
    Aebersold - Variations On Blues #8 - SwingGuitarGuy - Jamey Aebersold - Dan Hearle
    Aebersold - Variations On Blues #9 - SwingGuitarGuy - Jamey Aebersold - Dan Hearle
    Aebersold - Variations On Blues #10 - SwingGuitarGuy - Jamey Aebersold - Dan Hearle
    Aebersold - Variations On Blues #11 - SwingGuitarGuy - Jamey Aebersold - Dan Hearle
    Aebersold - Variations On Blues #12 - SwingGuitarGuy - Jamey Aebersold - Dan Hearle
    Aebersold - Variations On Blues #13 - SwingGuitarGuy - Jamey Aebersold - Dan Hearle
    Aebersold - Variations On Blues #14 - SwingGuitarGuy - Jamey Aebersold - Dan Hearle
    Aebersold - Variations On Blues #15 - SwingGuitarGuy - Jamey Aebersold - Dan Hearle
    Aebersold - Variations On Blues #16 - SwingGuitarGuy - Jamey Aebersold - Dan Hearle
    Aebersold - Variations On Blues #17 - SwingGuitarGuy - Jamey Aebersold - Dan Hearle
    Beato F Blues Bass Lines - SwingGuitarGuy - Rick Beato
    Beato Post Modern Reharmonization Of The Blues 1 - SwingGuitarGuy - Rick Beato
    Beato Post Modern Reharmonization Of The Blues 2 - SwingGuitarGuy - Rick Beato
    Beato Post Modern Reharmonization Of The Blues 3 - SwingGuitarGuy - Rick Beato
    Beato Post Modern Reharmonization Of The Blues 4 - SwingGuitarGuy - Rick Beato
    Beato Post Modern Reharmonization Of The Blues 5 - SwingGuitarGuy - Rick Beato
    Carol Kaye - Jazz Bass - 03 Blues #2 - SwingGuitarGuy - Carol Kaye
    Carol Kaye - Jazz Bass - 04 Hip Blues - SwingGuitarGuy - Carol Kaye
    Charlie Parker 12 Bar Blues 1 - swingguitarguy - Charlie Parker
    Charlie Parker 12 Bar Blues 2 - swingguitarguy - Charlie Parker
    Charlie Parker 12 Bar Blues 3 - swingguitarguy - Charlie Parker
    Charlie Parker 12 Bar Blues 4 - swingguitarguy - Charlie Parker
    Charlie Parker 12 Bar Blues 5 - swingguitarguy - Charlie Parker
    Charlie Parker 12 Bar Blues 6 - swingguitarguy - Charlie Parker
    Charlie Parker 12 Bar Blues 7 - swingguitarguy - Charlie Parker
    Charlie Parker 12 Bar Blues 8 - swingguitarguy - Charlie Parker
    Duke Ellington 12 Bar Blues 1 C-Jam Blues - swingguitarguy - Duke Ellington
    Jazz Blues 12 Bar Blues 1 - swingguitarguy - .
    Jazz Blues 12 Bar Blues 2 - swingguitarguy - .
    John Coltrane 12 Bar Blues 1 - swingguitarguy - John Coltrane
    John Coltrane 12 Bar Blues 2 - swingguitarguy - John Coltrane
    John Coltrane 12 Bar Blues 3 - swingguitarguy - John Coltrane
    John Coltrane 12 Bar Blues 4 - swingguitarguy - John Coltrane
    Kenny Burrell 12 Bar Blues 1 - swingguitarguy - Kenny Burrell
    Miles Davis 12 Bar Blues 1 - swingguitarguy - Miles Davis
    Miles Davis 12 Bar Blues 2 - swingguitarguy - Miles Davis
    Miles Davis 12 Bar Blues 3 - swingguitarguy - Miles Davis
    Miles Davis 12 Bar Blues 4 - swingguitarguy - Miles Davis
    Milt Jackson 12 Bar Blues 1 - swingguitarguy - Milt Jackson
    Sonny Rollins 12 Bar Blues 1 - swingguitarguy - Sonny Rollins
    Sonny Rollins 12 Bar Blues 2 - swingguitarguy - Sonny Rollins
    Sonny Rollins 12 Bar Blues 3 - swingguitarguy - Sonny Rollins
    Thelonious Monk 12 Bar Blues 1 - swingguitarguy - Thelonious Monk
    Thelonious Monk 12 Bar Blues 2 - swingguitarguy - Thelonious Monk
    Thelonious Monk 12 Bar Blues 3 - swingguitarguy - Thelonious Monk

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