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Thread: Jazz Practice Exercises

  1. #291


    Hi jazzpianoraul.
    There's a small and "funny" theory mistake in the name of your song "descending fourth", and a real mistake in the chord sequence.

    In functional harmony (tonal harmony), we talk about dominant-to-tonic resolution, meaning V degree moves/pushes to I. Since V is higher than I in the scale, we say it "falls down" to I.
    Interestingly, though, for musical effect, European musicians have preferred to move upwards with the bass, for some centuries now.
    Because of this musical preference, musicians oblivious to music theory now improperly say "circle of fourths", or "ascending fourths", instead of more properly "circle of fifths" or "descending fifths".
    You called it "descending fourths" :-D

    The REAL mistake in the chords is that the tonal sequence *does* move by descending FIFTHS (D-G-C-F-etc.).

    Happy playing! ;-)

  2. #292



    It is amazing how many charts can be found here for practicing chords and scales.
    Hardly can imagine that there is still something missing.
    I like to practice chord progressions with transpositions. A big challenge are the
    chord progressions from John Coltrane as he has used for instance in Giant Steps
    and 26-2. Based on this I created some variations on the common II-V and II-V-I.

    II-V and II-V-I Coltrane Style (8)

    Individual songs:
    V-I Coltraneando 1 - John Coltrane
    V-I Coltraneando 2 - John Coltrane
    V-I Coltraneando 3 - John Coltrane
    V-I Coltraneando 4 - John Coltrane
    II-V-I Coltraneando 1 - John Coltrane
    II-V-I Coltraneando 2 - John Coltrane
    II-V-I Coltraneando 3 - John Coltrane
    II-V-I Coltraneando 4 - John Coltrane

    Hope they are useful

  3. #293


    Thank you Montuno!!
    Sorely missing and well-done.
    Happy playing

  4. #294
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    Aebersold Vol 1 (9)

    1. Aebersold Vol 1 Faixa 1 - Jamey Aebersold
    2. Aebersold Vol 1 Faixa 2 - Jamey Aebersold
    3. Aebersold Vol 1 Faixa 3 - Jamey Aebersold
    4. Aebersold Vol 1 Faixa 4 - Jamey Aebersold
    5. Aebersold Vol 1 Faixa 5 - Jamey Aebersold
    6. Aebersold Vol 1 Faixa 6 Blues Bb - Jamey Aebersold
    7. Aebersold Vol 1 Faixa 7 Blues F - Jamey Aebersold
    8. Aebersold Vol 1 Faixa 8 Ciclo V7 - Jamey Aebersold
    9. Aebersold Vol 1 Faixa 9 Canção - Jamey Aebersold

  5. #295
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Default How to Play Jazz Vol 1

    Aebersold Vol 1 (10)

    1. Aebersold Vol 1 Faixa 1 - Jamey Aebersold
    2. Aebersold Vol 1 Faixa 2 - Jamey Aebersold
    3. Aebersold Vol 1 Faixa 3 - Jamey Aebersold
    4. Aebersold Vol 1 Faixa 4 - Jamey Aebersold
    5. Aebersold Vol 1 Faixa 5 - Jamey Aebersold
    6. Aebersold Vol 1 Faixa 6 Blues Bb - Jamey Aebersold
    7. Aebersold Vol 1 Faixa 7 Blues F - Jamey Aebersold
    8. Aebersold Vol 1 Faixa 8 Ciclo V7 - Jamey Aebersold
    9. Aebersold Vol 1 Faixa 9 Canção - Jamey Aebersold
    10. Aebersold Vol 1 Faixa 10 IIm7-V7 - Jamey Aebersold

  6. #296
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Default Acordes Básicos Maj7 m7 7 das 12 notas cromáticas

    Acordes Básicos (35)

    1. 01 CMaj7 - Glauber Santiago
    2. 02 Cm7 - Glauber Santiago
    3. 03 C7 - Glauber Santiago
    4. 04 DbMaj7 - Glauber Santiago
    5. 05 Dbm7 - Glauber Santiago
    6. 06 Db7 - Glauber Santiago
    7. 07 DMaj7 - Glauber Santiago
    8. 08 Dm7 - Glauber Santiago
    9. 09 D7 - Glauber Santiago
    10. 10 EbMaj7 - Glauber Santiago
    11. 11 Ebm7 - Glauber Santiago
    12. 12 Eb7 - Glauber Santiago
    13. 13 EMaj7 - Glauber Santiago
    14. 14 Em7 - Glauber Santiago
    15. 15 E7 - Glauber Santiago
    16. 16 FMaj7 - Glauber Santiago
    17. 17 Fm7 - Glauber Santiago
    18. 18 F7 - Glauber Santiago
    19. 19 F#Maj7 - Glauber Santiago
    20. 20 F#7 - Glauber Santiago
    21. 21 GMaj7 - Glauber Santiago
    22. 22 Gm7 - Glauber Santiago
    23. 23 G7 - Glauber Santiago
    24. 24 AbMaj7 - Glauber Santiago
    25. 25 Abm7 - Glauber Santiago
    26. 26 Ab7 - Glauber Santiago
    27. 27 AMaj7 - Glauber Santiago
    28. 28 Am7 - Glauber Santiago
    29. 29 A7 - Glauber Santiago
    30. 30 BbMaj7 - Glauber Santiago
    31. 31 Bbm7 - Glauber Santiago
    32. 32 Bb7 - Glauber Santiago
    33. 33 BMaj7 - Glauber Santiago
    34. 34 Bm7 - Glauber Santiago
    35. 35 B7 - Glauber Santiago

  7. #297


    Hello Glauber.
    Remember that iReal has a transposing function: perhaps you could use that to practice in all keys whatever you wish, and not have so many songs and playlists, risking clutter.
    Tap lower-right where the letter is, above the mixer (iPhone), and choose your desired key.
    Happy playing.

  8. #298


    Dear Glauber,
    Your Aebersold book contribution is wonderful, thanks!
    I made some changes to your songs in order for them to comply with iReal formatting, and corrected some structure indications and keys.
    Remember to set the key correctly, in order to take full advantage of iReal transposing function.
    The CODA sign can be added by itself in a section that should be played only in the last chorus. Your first song had no coda sign, so the last measure would be played incorrectly every time. The Aebersold book doesn't have the CODA sign, incorrectly also.
    Full list of modifications follow, for clarity.

    - track 1: added repeat barline at beginning; coda sign for last measure to play only last time; END tag in last measure; set key to Fm; changed name; double barlines at end of 8-measure cycles; end-of-song barline
    - track 2: added repeat barline at beginning; coda sign for last measure to play only last time; END tag in last measure; set key to Fm; changed name; double barlines at end of 4-measure cycles; end-of-song barline
    - track 3: added repeat barline at beginning; coda sign for last measure to play only last time; END tag in last measure; changed name; double barlines at end of 8-measure cycles; end-of-song barline
    - track 4: added repeat barline at beginning; coda sign for last measure to play only last time; END tag in last measure; changed name; double barlines at end of 4-measure cycles; end-of-song barline
    - track 5: added coda sign for last measure to play only last time; END tag in last measure; changed name; end-of-song barline; changed key to Eb; removed "DC" text (unneeded: just set number of repeats)
    - track 6: END tag in last measure; changed name; removed "DC to 3rd ending" text
    - track 7: same
    - track 8: added coda sign for last measure to play only last time; END tag in last measure; changed name; end-of-song barline
    - track 9: changed name; inserted double barline every 8 measures; added coda sign for last measure to play only last time; END tag in last measure; end-of-song barline
    - track 10: changed name; inserted double barline after first cycle; added coda sign for last measure to play only last time; END tag in last measure; end-of-song barline; corrected wrong A7 chord to Am7; changed chords to reflect correct harmony changes [Aebersold errors]

    Aebersold Vol-001 (10)

    Individual songs:
    JA001: Fm, Ebm, Dm [8 meas] - Jamey Aebersold
    JA001: Fm, Ebm, Dm [4 meas] - Jamey Aebersold
    JA001: Random Minors [8 measures] - Jamey Aebersold
    JA001: Random Minors [4 measures] - Jamey Aebersold
    JA001: 4-measure Cadences - Jamey Aebersold
    JA001: Blues In Bb - Jamey Aebersold
    JA001: Blues In F - Jamey Aebersold
    JA001: Cycle Of Dominant 7th Chords [4 measures] - Jamey Aebersold
    JA001: 24-measure Song - Jamey Aebersold
    JA001: Minor To Dominant (IIm7-V7) - Jamey Aebersold
    Last edited by Kalokagathon; 05-16-2015 at 12:54 PM.

  9. #299
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    I think this thread is a bit out of control at 28 pages (as of this posting)
    I was going to post an addendum to Nimbleswitch's Magnusson exercises but i couldn't find the post (even searching this thread)

    Moderator edit:
    Jack's post is here:

    Probably could have found it but life is short .
    Blues Triads: C Major Inversions (Closed) hard keys - Bob Magnusson, The Art Of Walking Bass (1999) p.10

    May I suggest we separate the user exercises from the exercises that are derived from published books?
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 06-21-2015 at 09:38 PM.

  10. #300


    User vs. published
    Under consideration

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