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Thread: Jazz Practice Exercises

  1. #191
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Default ii-V-I (1 chord per bar)

    ii-V-I (1 Chord Per Bar) - Carlos Ortiz IV

  2. #192
    Join Date
    Feb 2014


    Marcus McMillan Chord Progression Vamps (39)

    Individual songs:
    I-ii-iii-IV - Marcus McMillan
    I7-ii7-iii7-IV7 - Marcus McMillan
    I-iii-IV-V - Marcus McMillan
    I7-iii7-IV7-V7 - Marcus McMillan
    I7-iii7-IV7-V7alt - Marcus McMillan
    I-vi-ii-V - Marcus McMillan
    I7-vi7-ii7-V7 - Marcus McMillan
    I7-VI7-ii7-V7 1 - Marcus McMillan
    Idom7-VI7-ii7-V7 - Marcus McMillan
    I7-VI7-II7-V7 1 - Marcus McMillan
    Idom7-VI7-II7-V7 - Marcus McMillan
    Ii7-V7 - Marcus McMillan
    Ii7-V7alt - Marcus McMillan
    Ii-V-I - Marcus McMillan
    Ii7-V7-I7 - Marcus McMillan
    Ii7-bII7-I7 - Marcus McMillan
    Iim7b5-V7 - Marcus McMillan
    Iim7b5-V7alt - Marcus McMillan
    Ii7-V7alt-I7 - Marcus McMillan
    Ii7b5-V7-i7 - Marcus McMillan
    Ii7b5-V7alt-i7 - Marcus McMillan
    Iii-vi-ii-V - Marcus McMillan
    Iii7-vi7-ii7-V7 - Marcus McMillan
    Iii7-VI7-ii7-V7 - Marcus McMillan
    III7-VI7-II7-V7 - Marcus McMillan
    IV-I - Marcus McMillan
    IV-iv-I - Marcus McMillan
    IV7-#IVdim7 - Marcus McMillan
    V-I - Marcus McMillan
    V7-I7 - Marcus McMillan
    V7alt-I7 - Marcus McMillan
    V-i - Marcus McMillan
    V7-i7 - Marcus McMillan
    V7alt-i7 - Marcus McMillan
    FlatVII-IV-I - Marcus McMillan
    IV7-I7 - Marcus McMillan
    V7-I - Marcus McMillan
    Minor Chord Triad Exercise - Marcus McMillan
    Major Chord Triad Exercise - Marcus McMillan

  3. #193


    Hi Marcus.
    I already have all of these tonal vamps, but I was intrigued and unsure, in some instances, of the chord types, since you don't differentiate dom7 (7) from major 7 (which could be written ^7 , even M7, without going to the trouble of pasting ∆).
    I understand the minor part (lower-case letter), but I would recommend - for *public* clarity (you can do on your machine as you think best) - to use more conventional signage.

    Ex: IM7-VI7-ii7-V7 will be correctly interpreted, with no doubt, as (example) C∆-A7-Dm7-G7

    Whereas I7-VI7-ii7-V7 gives me no clue as to whether the first degree is regular chord type or "dominantized", and same goes for VI, at that point...
    However strange, I could legitimately think C∆-A∆-Dm7-G7...

    Just suggesting, in order to have consistent forum submissions and song sharing.
    Live freely. Respect the planet.

  4. #194
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Chords in 12 keys:

    Chords in 12 Keys (10)

    1. Chords in 12 Keys - Aug 7 (7#5) - Exercise
    2. Chords in 12 Keys - Dom 7 - Exercise
    3. Chords in 12 Keys - Full Dim (Dim 7) - Exercise
    4. Chords in 12 Keys - Half Dim (-7b5) - Exercise
    5. Chords in 12 Keys - Maj 7 - Exercise
    6. Chords in 12 Keys - Min 6 - Exercise
    7. Chords in 12 Keys - Min 7 - Exercise
    8. Chords in 12 Keys - Maj 6 - Exercise
    9. Chords in 12 Keys - Sus 7 - Exercise
    10. Chords in 12 Keys - Maj ii-V-I - Exercise

  5. #195
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Chords in 12 Keys (11)

    1. Chords in 12 Keys - Aug 7 (7#5) - Exercise
    2. Chords in 12 Keys - Dom 7 - Exercise
    3. Chords in 12 Keys - Full Dim (Dim 7) - Exercise
    4. Chords in 12 Keys - Half Dim (-7b5) - Exercise
    5. Chords in 12 Keys - Maj 7 - Exercise
    6. Chords in 12 Keys - Min 6 - Exercise
    7. Chords in 12 Keys - Min 7 - Exercise
    8. Chords in 12 Keys - Maj 6 - Exercise
    9. Chords in 12 Keys - Sus 7 - Exercise
    10. Chords in 12 Keys - Maj ii-V-I - Exercise
    11. Chords in 12 Keys - Circle Progression - Exercise

  6. #196
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    here is one chord changes that I've been practicing

    Random Particularities by Damjan Krajacic

  7. #197


    5/8 time signature.

    Jazzercise-58 - Practice Charts
    Cheers! Dave... MacBook Pro - OS X 10.10 - Mac iRp v 6.1 - iOS iRp v 6.1

  8. #198
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Exercise ii-7 V7

    Exercise ii-7 V7 - comfree

  9. #199
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Exercise ii-7 V7

    Exercise ii-7 V7 - comfree

  10. #200
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Exercise ii-7 V7 in whole steps

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