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Thread: Jazz Practice Exercises

  1. #181
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Again, for beginning to intermediate bassists.

    Again, probably of interest only to beginning to intermediate bass players: Audio supplement to Robert Rawlins' book "How to Play from a Real Book," Chapter 5, pp. 58-66, including an application of his recommended 1-2-3-5, 8-7-6-5 bass lines to 13 jazz chords.

    [REVISED: 2014-12-7]

    Robert Rawlins (21)
    Last edited by nimbleswitch; 12-07-2014 at 04:27 PM. Reason: Supplied MinMaj7 chord missing from 13-chord chart.

  2. #182
    Join Date
    Feb 2014


    Marcus McMillan Chord Vamps (28)

    Individual songs:
    Major Triad Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Minor Triad Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Sus Triad Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Dim Triad Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Aug Triad Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Major 6 Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Major 69 Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Major add9 Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Major 7 Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Major 7#11 Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Major 9 Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Minor 7 Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Minor 11 Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Minor 9 Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Minor 6 Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Min Maj 7 Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Minor 7b5 Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Dom 7th Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Dom 9 Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Dom 13 Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Dom 7th Sus Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Dom 7b9 Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Dom 7#9 Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Dom 7#11 Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Dom 7b13 Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Dom 7#9#5 Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Dom 7b9b13 Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan
    Diminished 7 Chord Vamp - Marcus McMillan

  3. #183
    Join Date
    Feb 2014


    Marcus McMillan Chord Progression Vamps (35)

    Individual songs:
    I-ii-iii-IV - Marcus McMillan
    I7-ii7-iii7-IV7 - Marcus McMillan
    I-iii-IV-V - Marcus McMillan
    I7-iii7-IV7-V7 - Marcus McMillan
    I7-iii7-IV7-V7alt - Marcus McMillan
    I-vi-ii-V - Marcus McMillan
    I7-vi7-ii7-V7 - Marcus McMillan
    I7-VI7-ii7-V7 - Marcus McMillan
    I7-VI7-II7-V7 - Marcus McMillan
    Ii7-V7 - Marcus McMillan
    Ii7-V7alt - Marcus McMillan
    Ii-V-I - Marcus McMillan
    Ii7-V7-I7 - Marcus McMillan
    Ii7-bII7-I7 - Marcus McMillan
    Iim7b5-V7 - Marcus McMillan
    Iim7b5-V7alt - Marcus McMillan
    Ii7-V7alt-I7 - Marcus McMillan
    Ii7b5-V7-i7 - Marcus McMillan
    Ii7b5-V7alt-i7 - Marcus McMillan
    Iii-vi-ii-V - Marcus McMillan
    Iii7-vi7-ii7-V7 - Marcus McMillan
    Iii7-VI7-ii7-V7 - Marcus McMillan
    III7-VI7-II7-V7 - Marcus McMillan
    IV-I - Marcus McMillan
    IV-iv-I - Marcus McMillan
    IV7-#IVdim7 - Marcus McMillan
    V-I - Marcus McMillan
    V7-I7 - Marcus McMillan
    V7alt-I7 - Marcus McMillan
    V-i - Marcus McMillan
    V7-i7 - Marcus McMillan
    V7alt-i7 - Marcus McMillan
    FlatVII-IV-I - Marcus McMillan
    IV7-I7 - Marcus McMillan
    V7-I - Marcus McMillan

  4. #184


    Just noticed your "graduation" post BOB. Right after I got Pro, I didn't realize I had accidentally turned on the tempo accel, but just to one click faster every chorus of a "Stormy Monday" blues that I thought was set permanently at 40 bpm. After something like 20 beer-fueled choruses I started wondering if I was way more drunk than I thought (or was having a stroke or something).
    Last edited by wbgorex; 04-04-2014 at 07:37 AM.

  5. #185
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    Here are II V I Practice chart, but little more complicated than the simple II V I (The progression of II V I...)
    I hope it will be useful for you!

    The-II-V7-I Progression (6)

    Individual songs:
    Random II V7 Progressions - Unknown Composer
    V7#9 I (All Keys) - Unknown Composer
    Half Dim-v7#9-I (All Minor Keys) - Unknown Composer
    G Minor Blues - Unknown Composer
    II-V7-I Three Keys - Unknown Composer
    F Blues With An 8 Measure Bridge - Unknown Composer

  6. #186


    [QUOTE=YannayPick;23359]Here are II V I Practice chart, but little more complicated than the simple II V I (The progression of II V I...)
    I hope it will be useful for you! [QUOTE]

    Happy to see the Aebersold backgrounds inserted into iReal - at least they can be speeded up, and musically changed.
    Live freely. Respect the planet.

  7. #187
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    And I forgot to write in info that the composer is Jamey Aebersold...

  8. #188
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    You all probably have this one already.
    I just got a real good workout setting it to repeat 12 times and transpose up a half-step every chorus.
    the drums give a nice little break between modulations
    -Chameleon - Herbie Hancock

  9. #189


    Hello Shaun.
    I'm posting a corrected version of the Har-mode2 chart you posted in a playlist time ago - the chords were custom-made, and the player would not play them. Xm7b9 could be done as X7/Y (Gm7b9 = Bb7/G). I don't like it much either, but it plays...
    Dorian b2 (Mm2) - Exercise

  10. #190
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    The-II-V7-I Progression (7)

    Individual songs:
    Random II V7 Progressions - Jamey Aebersold
    V7#9 I (All Keys) - Jamey Aebersold
    Half Dim-v7#9-I (All Minor Keys) - Jamey Aebersold
    G Minor Blues - Jamey Aebersold
    II-V7-I Three Keys - Jamey Aebersold
    Bebop Tune - Jamey Aebersold
    F Blues With An 8 Measure Bridge - Jamey Aebersold

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