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Thread: Jazz Practice Exercises

  1. #161


    Read this and try again:

    Most first-time posters get into trouble because they don't understand that posting a chart/playlist *takes more than one step.
    First, a copy of the song/chart/playlist code must be "copied to your (hidden) clipboard".
    Then, that saved code must be pasted into a forum post (message) or reply (in the correct place/thread in the forums please) and the message saved/posted. Voila! There is the song/playlist-link.

    Most personal playlists should be posted in the SANDBOX forum. *
    Please use the main forums for sharing previously unposted songs or alternate versions.

  2. #162


    Here are five alternative changes for the first 8 bars of I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm patched together from various arrangments including Dean Martin's, The Mills Brothers', Ozzie Nelson's and Tony Bennett's. Season's Greetings.

    I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm (alt's) - Irving Berlin
    There's two kinds of mistakes you can play: The ones you notice, and the ones somebody else might notice.

  3. #163


    Chord-scale practice (5)

    1. 6 extended chords and resolutions - lanphier
    2. C extended harmony - Unknown Composer
    3. C7#5#9 to Bmaj7 - Unknown Composer
    4. Chords from 7#5#9 scale 1 - lanphier
    5. Chords from 7b9 scale 1 - lanphier

  4. #164

    Default Patterns For Jazz

    These 25 backing tracks are for use with the book Patterns For Jazz. More to be added soon, so check back for additions.

    Any typo alerts are welcome.

    Enjoy! —Lauren

    Patterns For Jazz (25)

    1. PFJ-001 - Jerry Coker
    2. PFJ-002 - Jerry Coker
    3. PFJ-003 - Jerry Coker
    4. PFJ-004 - Jerry Coker
    5. PFJ-005 - Jerry Coker
    6. PFJ-006 - Jerry Coker
    7. PFJ-007 - Jerry Coker
    8. PFJ-008 - Jerry Coker
    9. PFJ-009 - Jerry Coker
    10. PFJ-010 - Jerry Coker
    11. PFJ-011 - Jerry Coker
    12. PFJ-012 - Jerry Coker
    13. PFJ-013 - Jerry Coker
    14. PFJ-014 - Jerry Coker
    15. PFJ-015 - Jerry Coker
    16. PFJ-016 - Jerry Coker
    17. PFJ-017 - Jerry Coker
    18. PFJ-018 - Jerry Coker
    19. PFJ-019 - Jerry Coker
    20. PFJ-020 - Jerry Coker
    21. PFJ-021 - Jerry Coker
    22. PFJ-022 - Jerry Coker
    23. PFJ-023 - Jerry Coker
    24. PFJ-024 - Jerry Coker
    25. PFJ-025 - Jerry Coker
    Last edited by guitarcreativity; 01-02-2014 at 01:18 AM.

  5. #165


    Thank you very much!

  6. #166


    Maybe this thread should go to the Practice charts thread?

  7. #167


    Do a quick google search: patterns for jazz pdf....
    Check it out before you buy it.

    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 01-02-2014 at 01:56 PM.

  8. #168
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default 3eres cercle quintes

  9. #169
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Default V7s Circle of Fifths 2 beats per chord

    I use this for practicing digital patterns e.g. (chordal tones): 1235, 1231, 1212, 123#11, 7 3 13 9, etc. through all keys, increasing speed over time and with different combinations of alterations on each circle.

    V7s Circle of Fifths 2 beats per chord - Exercise Practice

    Not sure if this is redundant... didn't see it on this thread so thought I'd post. Thanks to all the uploaders!

  10. #170


    You can find my playlists on my website now:
    Last edited by LeadCatPress; 02-11-2018 at 01:44 AM.

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