Threaded View

dflat Jazz Practice Exercises 11-11-2009,
05:05 PM

Diatonicseventhchords 1-6-2-5 Changes 05-01-2010,
08:27 PM

Electro61 Exercise (ii7b5 - V7b9 - i) 10-26-2010,
04:49 AM

tranefreak Dominant 7 practice 11-07-2010,
09:03 PM

tranefreak Practice Tracks 11-07-2010,
10:23 PM

rjaviolin Practice charts 01-24-2011,
09:41 PM

amajoan ii - V - i (minor) 01-25-2011,
02:26 PM

musicalus Descendig 5th sequence 01-28-2011,
11:51 PM

Jpcannavo ii - V- I 01-30-2011,
11:21 PM

Atljazzman Playlist containing all 16... 02-06-2011,
06:35 PM

Chimjet I need practice hard 02-14-2011,
03:37 PM

Trevin77 Playlist containing all 2... 02-15-2011,
12:23 PM

Chrisbeaudrysax In The Mood Solo Section... 02-23-2011,
02:58 PM

stevemartinshaw Anyone have a good... 03-01-2011,
07:09 PM

Jpcannavo Short 251 03-12-2011,
12:43 PM

Adrianstevenson Major Modes Practice 07-16-2011,
01:19 PM

Gniolf Gamme majeure sur 2 octaves 07-21-2011,
07:11 PM

Gniolf Gammes Majeures sur 2... 07-24-2011,
03:10 AM

Adrianstevenson Melodic Minor Modes Practice... 07-26-2011,
01:22 PM

Kalokagathon @Gniolf:
I suggest you also... 08-30-2011,
12:26 PM

jimb930 ii-V-I Exercise 09-19-2011,
05:32 PM

A1tradjazz 15 Jazz exercises to improve... 09-28-2011,
04:25 AM

A1tradjazz Cherokee Bridge Chords -- 2... 09-28-2011,
04:43 AM

jgong1212 sax chord changes... 10-10-2011,
01:47 PM

OurLeveret This is a set of practice... 10-13-2011,
03:19 PM

finantz1 I'm new to Ireal. Are these... 10-13-2011,
04:49 PM

A1tradjazz Exercise:Famous Chords... 12-17-2011,
01:23 PM

Lbacigalupi Pattern for jazz practice 01-18-2012,
09:29 AM

GeoffStockton Mastering All Modulations in... 01-27-2012,
04:38 AM

Curtsong Half Bar II-V7Alt-I^7 02-16-2012,
03:25 PM

Cook675 Wow this is a gold mine... 04-07-2012,
02:23 AM

Electro61 Minor ii-V7 and ii-V7alt 04-08-2012,
12:14 AM

Electro61 Main Chords And Scales- One... 04-08-2012,
04:34 AM

Bobsax Modal Exercises Progressions 05-01-2012,
02:29 PM

aartvanbergen Simple harmony exercise... 05-29-2012,
08:22 AM

aartvanbergen II V I in 6 keys #1 05-29-2012,
08:25 AM

aartvanbergen II V I in 6 keys #2 05-29-2012,
08:27 AM

aartvanbergen Exercise: simple minor harmony 05-29-2012,
08:30 AM

CUGHES Jazz scales study 07-19-2012,
02:38 PM

CUGHES Technical studies - BONELLI 07-20-2012,
08:39 AM

LRusso 17 Blues Variations 08-05-2012,
10:05 AM

Anashwaran Jazz exercises 08-19-2012,
04:43 PM

lovelyday Second post for Shipwreckrick 09-11-2012,
12:15 PM

Robiton Destination Bonheur 09-22-2012,
01:05 PM

TeddyMeyerSaxophone Teddy Meyer practice folder 10-04-2012,
09:28 PM

Ivarpo Ivarpo practice charts 10-11-2012,
03:34 AM

Mwpractice Hello d flat, when I click on... 10-14-2012,
10:53 AM

TeddyMeyerSaxophone 3bar phrases "Black Lines In... 10-17-2012,
01:08 PM

Bobsax Double Bass>Left Hand >... 12-26-2012,
04:10 AM

TeddyMeyerSaxophone Doug's Subs... 01-05-2013,
03:21 PM

jakobmagnussonm Some training changes - Jakob... 01-12-2013,
11:43 AM

Trevormind Sorry I cannot download it 02-13-2013,
02:40 PM

guitarcreativity ii V i Chord Progressions 02-16-2013,
06:52 PM

Yogi108 Jazz melodic minor exercise 03-12-2013,
05:02 AM

nyanmaxx Feder Cycle of Minor Keys 03-12-2013,
10:58 PM

fli0320 original exercises playlist 03-14-2013,
09:19 AM

shaunjoh Exercises - Modes, Bebop... 04-09-2013,
03:25 PM

arctictazz Theorie Michi Beck 04-13-2013,
08:20 AM

taesang tonal cycle of 5th exercises 05-04-2013,
06:55 AM

Curtsong II-V7 Half Bar Cycle 1 05-19-2013,
09:35 PM

Maminyana Practice major, eight bars... 06-11-2013,
10:16 AM

karankhosla Jazz Chop builder session 1 07-21-2013,
05:19 AM

CyrilM Complete Electric Guitare... 08-03-2013,
10:29 AM

aaronhill28 Major ii-v-l with repeats 08-21-2013,
01:15 PM

andrewclassen Dominant Cycle 11-18-2013,
02:51 PM

barryusher Western Jazz Chamber Group 11-19-2013,
02:23 PM

blackandwhitekeys Hi! does someone know how to... 12-10-2013,
06:35 PM

guitarcreativity Patterns For Jazz 01-02-2014,
01:10 AM

jordivision 3eres cercle quintes 01-15-2014,
09:01 AM

natechien V7s Circle of Fifths 2 beats... 02-08-2014,
03:22 PM

LeadCatPress You can find my playlists on... 02-10-2014,
04:53 PM

dellamarie23 ALL BLUES... 02-24-2014,
07:46 PM

nimbleswitch These practice charts will... 02-26-2014,
09:38 PM

sebacrispo Major to minor tonality... 02-28-2014,
06:38 AM

Marcusman23 Major ii-V-I guitar comping... 03-06-2014,
04:52 PM

Marcusman23 Major ii-V-I guitar comping... 03-06-2014,
04:54 PM

Marcusman23 Major iii-VI-ii-V-I (Flat... 03-07-2014,
02:29 AM

nimbleswitch Again, for beginning to... 03-12-2014,
05:52 AM

YannayPick Here are II V I Practice... 04-08-2014,
01:35 PM

YannayPick And I forgot to write in info... 04-10-2014,
03:00 PM

Kalokagathon Hello Shaun.
I'm posting a... 04-16-2014,
04:35 AM

YannayPick The-II-V7-I Progression... 04-19-2014,
05:05 PM

ChicoTrpt84 ii-V-I (1 chord per bar) 05-07-2014,
06:27 PM

Comfree Exercise ii-7 V7 06-16-2014,
03:33 PM

Comfree Exercise ii-7 V7 06-16-2014,
03:50 PM

Comfree Exercise ii-7 V7 in whole... 06-16-2014,
04:29 PM

nimbleswitch iii7-vi7-ii7-V7-I∆7,... 06-19-2014,
02:39 PM

Luisw62 Leavitt Melodic Rhythms... 06-22-2014,
05:48 AM

Luisw62 Added a new study
Leavitt... 06-22-2014,
05:51 AM

nimbleswitch Luisw62, aren't there quite a... 07-04-2014,
05:25 AM

VincentChen Good,Good,Good 07-06-2014,
01:02 PM

simon12332 ii V I's by Simon Sweetman 08-07-2014,
02:29 PM

MinkeMUsic Jerry Coker et al: Patterns... 09-01-2014,
03:43 AM

Anat313 Chord scale 1 09-04-2014,
12:15 AM

Anat313 Chord scales 2 09-04-2014,
12:16 AM

caustin houghton jazz fall 2014 09-06-2014,
10:42 PM

Brownboy Hello everybody , I would... 09-25-2014,
09:20 AM

nimbleswitch Are you trying to find a book... 09-29-2014,
09:22 AM

burdof cercle 10-05-2014,
03:44 PM

nimbleswitch For beginning to intermediate... 10-23-2014,
04:46 PM

nimbleswitch Thanks, Bobsax. If just one... 10-23-2014,
10:31 PM

nimbleswitch Oh, man! Do yourself a huge... 11-01-2014,
02:28 AM

RobbieTrombone II-V7 Progression (page88)... 11-01-2014,
08:13 AM

RobbieTrombone II-V7 Progression (page 87)... 11-01-2014,
08:14 AM

RobbieTrombone II-V7 Progression (page 86)... 11-01-2014,
08:15 AM

nimbleswitch Oh, oh, sorry. I completely... 11-01-2014,
07:13 PM

nimbleswitch More for beginning to... 11-02-2014,
03:41 PM

nimbleswitch And more for beginning to... 11-09-2014,
05:38 PM

nimbleswitch Very welcome, Bob. (Adictive... 11-11-2014,
07:48 AM

nimbleswitch Hi, Petesajazzer,
... 11-12-2014,
07:57 AM

nimbleswitch Not a problem, takes a little... 11-12-2014,
08:22 AM

Frogwood2014 Frogwood 11-16-2014,
08:25 AM

Attarnasution All The Things You Are 1... 11-17-2014,
09:52 PM

Nostuhw Funky Minor Turn 12 keys -... 11-19-2014,
11:27 AM

nimbleswitch Some more for beginning to... 11-22-2014,
06:56 PM

nimbleswitch Still more for beginning to... 11-22-2014,
07:05 PM

nimbleswitch I don't think I did anything... 11-22-2014,
09:02 PM

nimbleswitch Yanny, regarding your... 11-25-2014,
11:42 AM

nimbleswitch Bob, what exactly does iRP... 11-26-2014,
06:26 AM

nimbleswitch Interesting discussion,... 12-19-2014,
04:43 AM

Keith88 "Two, Five, One" from Jazz... 12-26-2014,
03:04 PM

emmanuelrosenblatt 6 Progressions alternating... 01-10-2015,
05:46 AM

Jasonm71 Jason Mingledorff practice... 01-13-2015,
12:47 PM

caglayanyildiz All Possible Root Movements 01-28-2015,
02:51 PM

laurentwaeber75 Modes principaux dans tous... 01-30-2015,
09:36 AM

dublo7 U gotta version where the... 01-30-2015,
09:46 PM

Jasonm71 Dom 7 Chord Matrix... 02-04-2015,
12:54 PM

Jasonm71 Major 7th Chord Matrix... 02-04-2015,
12:57 PM

Jasonm71 Chord Tone Instant Recall... 02-04-2015,
12:58 PM

Tomasax AB Jazz Scales 02-22-2015,
05:42 PM

TeddyMeyerSaxophone ii-V Practice... 02-24-2015,
10:36 AM

JazzStudent This is my first posting. I... 02-28-2015,
08:02 AM

TylerJames Minor II-V's In All Keys 04-05-2015,
11:16 PM

nimbleswitch Bebop Scales & Patterns - 12... 04-07-2015,
07:59 AM

LDL Practice Charts 04-05-2015,
06:42 PM

jazzpianoraul New Pyramid... 05-09-2015,
02:47 AM

Glauber Aebersold Vol 1... 05-15-2015,
07:24 PM

Glauber How to Play Jazz Vol 1 05-15-2015,
07:36 PM

Glauber Acordes Básicos Maj7 m7 7... 05-15-2015,
07:46 PM

Tuettap Mode Scale... 07-08-2015,
01:24 AM

pioum II-V in 12 keys 08-08-2015,
12:04 PM

ricknelsteel I'm looking for a Dominant 7... 08-11-2015,
09:30 AM

aleclubin Jazz chord progression 08-21-2015,
07:57 PM

JBCraipeau Snarky Puppy - Things of Gold... 08-26-2015,
09:05 AM

Johnnyd Excercise List... 09-12-2015,
10:46 PM

Jasonm71 Very Random Extended Chords... 09-28-2015,
03:00 PM

cigal2000 Concert key chord Progressions 10-04-2015,
03:37 AM

skeepound Practice Charts 07-14-2012,
04:32 PM

Ricmolina Practice Charts 10-03-2014,
08:53 AM

Nostuhw Fit II B Square... 12-01-2015,
05:04 PM

MarcusConrad Treino & Aquecimento -... 12-13-2015,
09:43 PM

scalenerd Practice Exercises 01-08-2016,
04:46 PM

ericvigneault 3217... 01-12-2016,
05:36 PM

Petermadsen iWarmUp Playlist 01-25-2016,
10:48 PM

MarcusConrad Aquecimento e treino.
... 01-28-2016,
10:25 AM

MarcusConrad II - V - I Major and Minor... 02-11-2016,
04:46 PM

timothynh Hi, trying to find a 1265... 02-21-2016,
03:33 PM

MarcusConrad Starling Academy Of Music... 02-22-2016,
06:02 PM

MarcusConrad Aula Daniel Santana... 02-22-2016,
10:27 PM

Jpcannavo Mis Jones bridge 251 02-28-2016,
03:34 PM

Iangarner Bruya Wholestep Exercise 02-29-2016,
12:09 AM

Jpcannavo Rythm 251 bridge 02-29-2016,
09:50 AM

MarcusConrad Starling Academy Of Music... 03-01-2016,
12:42 AM

MarcusConrad Starling Academy Of Music... 03-16-2016,
03:32 PM

MarcusConrad Curso Starling Academy of... 04-05-2016,
04:29 PM

david.ivinson Around the horn 05-20-2016,
02:29 AM

MarcusConrad Starling Academy Of Music... 05-24-2016,
05:35 PM

MarcusConrad Starling Academy Of Music... 06-07-2016,
11:39 AM

MicheleVog Studio... 07-09-2016,
04:59 AM

ReubenTOV Mick goodrick unitar 08-01-2016,
05:15 AM

Guitarif V7alt - IMaj7 In All Keys... 08-06-2016,
07:22 AM

RobDMax Jazz blues (another one)... 09-17-2016,
05:27 AM

jshotzy Practice Tools. 09-30-2016,
03:32 PM

Saxplayer96 Major Scales (request) 09-30-2016,
05:57 PM

nimbleswitch2 Saxplayer96-
You don't mean... 10-02-2016,
06:40 PM

LeFlaneur Sweet Jazz Blues - Exercise... 10-19-2016,
09:09 PM

Stefanglatt misc chromatic sheets for... 12-14-2016,
04:22 PM

Jazzpiano This minor iiø-V7alt.-Im6... 12-20-2016,
03:06 PM

Nostuhw QuikKidDing... 12-23-2016,
07:30 AM

CUGHES Jazz Practice Exercises 07-19-2012,
03:01 PM

Patpurci Metronome... 02-24-2017,
02:23 AM

esojjazz Ciclo de 4tas. M, m y 7... 03-07-2017,
07:58 AM

natechien V7s 1 Bar Each
V7s 1 bar... 03-25-2017,
12:49 AM

Ricfreeman Lucian major workout 03-28-2017,
08:11 PM

Patpurci Jim Snidero - Proxy 04-01-2017,
03:06 AM

Koichkkkkk One Chord Practice 04-02-2017,
03:06 AM

Koichkkkkk Ionian one chord 04-03-2017,
12:12 AM

Ricfreeman Swing blues with bridge 04-03-2017,
05:52 PM

Ricfreeman fusion workout... 04-04-2017,
10:59 PM

Ricfreeman one time bridge... 04-11-2017,
07:08 PM

timothynh I vi (VI) ii V in 12 keys 06-18-2017,
09:03 AM

mcgowan Coker, Patterns for Jazz,... 06-24-2017,
02:32 PM

SuperJew C Phryg BS - Adam Kormondy 08-09-2017,
03:18 PM

Nikoflores Latin Express Music Exercises 08-17-2017,
12:42 AM

Dinmlar Jazz Practice Exercises 09-26-2017,
05:08 PM

ramboot Ramboot jazz chords arpege... 10-24-2017,
04:34 PM

Mlmaffe 2-5-1 Practice 10-28-2017,
01:40 AM

emmanuelrosenblatt Jazz Practice Exercises 12-04-2017,
07:05 PM

alext JVL playlist 12-05-2017,
03:14 PM

joelperezguitar basic exercises. JOEL PEREZ 12-12-2017,
05:09 PM

Damaso II-V Cycle of 4ths... 12-28-2017,
04:48 PM

Bobsax Stella last 8 workout 01-04-2018,
08:11 PM

Pianoclimb Studio Pentarmonico... 01-15-2018,
04:58 AM

MarcusConrad Marcus Conrad Practice... 01-18-2018,
10:29 PM

Pianoclimb Sostituzioni di Tritono:... 01-23-2018,
04:14 AM

alext Hhtm jvl 01-24-2018,
05:51 PM

Andresebastianc Beginner II V I 01-26-2018,
01:54 AM

Eightdeym Basic Blues 02-09-2018,
11:30 PM

ksveen2006 All Types of Major ii-V-I... 02-13-2018,
02:47 PM

hermannhesse The first 32 were downloads ... 03-07-2018,
01:41 PM

aelziig D I G IT?... 03-23-2018,
02:19 AM

hermannhesse @kalokagathon. Thank you for... 03-23-2018,
11:09 AM

Leedavid Simple blues - Medium swing... 04-06-2018,
02:11 PM

Anwyll Jazz Guitar practicing 04-08-2018,
04:45 AM

gabrielvallerotto II V I (6 keys) 05-07-2018,
12:48 PM

Thejamaican Aebersold Blues 1-17 05-13-2018,
04:25 AM

DelaPlika Backdoor Cadence (5... 07-08-2018,
12:22 PM

ncantan Chord Crash Course Drills 08-08-2018,
05:42 AM

Klangakrobat Full Scale Practice 3... 09-03-2018,
05:13 AM

Klangakrobat More slow for practice
GH... 09-03-2018,
01:13 PM

samfitzpatrick Rhythm Changes: Melbourne... 09-11-2018,
01:13 AM

danconley Alternate Rhythm Changes -... 09-18-2018,
09:18 AM

Jazzsh909 Jazz Blues Practice Maj to... 10-21-2018,
04:10 PM

IanWelly Minor Practice
Minor... 02-10-2019,
06:44 PM

IanWelly Bb Blues
Bb Blues... 02-10-2019,
07:11 PM

Mynagel Fat rip 02-21-2019,
10:41 PM

BulletproofNerd 25 Training Progressions for... 03-12-2019,
03:37 PM

Johnsainturat All Mods... 05-20-2019,
09:14 AM

JamesCronier Minor 7 Practice... 06-04-2019,
04:25 PM

DelaPlika Chord Types 06-05-2019,
09:04 PM

trombonehefner Aebersold ii V I in all 12... 09-29-2019,
07:02 PM

bwm5857 Jazz Practice Exercises 10-03-2019,
04:41 PM

richardscher ii-V-I in all keys, chromatic 10-04-2019,
02:10 AM

richardscher ii-V-I all keys/ chromatic 10-04-2019,
11:29 AM

richardscher iii-vi-ii-V .Turnaround All... 10-04-2019,
12:14 PM

richardscher 11 Chord Qualities w/ Scales-... 10-04-2019,
10:54 PM

richardscher iii-vi-ii-V Turnaround all... 10-04-2019,
10:59 PM

richardscher ii-V-I All Keys Chromatic 10-04-2019,
11:08 PM

Klangakrobat 6251 1 Major... 10-07-2019,
01:51 PM

Klangakrobat b3-2-b2-1 Major... 10-07-2019,
01:54 PM

Klangakrobat 6251 2 Harmonic Minor... 10-07-2019,
01:56 PM

Klangakrobat 6251 Triton Practice... 10-07-2019,
01:57 PM

Klangakrobat 6251 1 Major... 10-07-2019,
01:59 PM

Klangakrobat 111 Full Scale Practice Half... 10-07-2019,
02:03 PM

JHerzog Jazz Keyboard Harmony... 01-28-2020,
04:51 PM

KristinaFuchs patterns 03-11-2020,
09:22 AM

MikaylaFSGuitar Circle Of Fourths... 03-13-2020,
04:17 AM

Klangakrobat Full Scale Practice 5... 03-24-2020,
01:26 PM

capells 3 6 2 5 Practice Progression 03-24-2020,
05:24 PM

Klangakrobat Full Scale Practice 6... 04-13-2020,
01:04 PM

scottinpt First time here. How can... 04-16-2020,
09:38 AM

yuichit110 12Key with various pattern
... 04-28-2020,
10:58 PM

linojmonteiro Major 2 5 1 in Eb 05-08-2020,
09:57 AM

mconrad 2 - 5 - 1 Menor... 05-18-2020,
08:26 PM

Mistergio Enclouser's Exercise in Cm7,... 05-28-2020,
03:57 AM

Eljuanet II V I Mayor por ciclo de... 06-04-2020,
09:00 AM

Klangakrobat All keys vi ii V i Dorian b9,... 08-30-2020,
12:42 PM

Shevitz Short Common Progressions 09-01-2020,
02:37 PM

MrTea 12 Major Scales 09-02-2020,
10:30 PM

EliseBechard Élise Béchard - La Musi Coach... 10-24-2020,
05:14 PM

richardscher iii-VI7-ii-V7-I with Major... 11-19-2020,
09:10 PM

robertouno Giro Armonico Minore 11-24-2020,
01:55 PM

dogNseop 1st Series Bluse 12-01-2020,
06:50 AM

richardscher Major 7th chord/Major Bebop... 12-17-2020,
04:35 PM

richardscher Maj 7 Exercise with ii/V... 12-17-2020,
04:49 PM

richardscher Maj 7, Major Bebop Scale... 12-17-2020,
09:41 PM

Klangakrobat 6251 1 Major... 12-24-2020,
05:03 AM

blessedbe1984 Barry Harris Scale Practice... 01-04-2021,
12:46 PM

Jasonm71 Major and Minor iiVI Matrix 02-09-2021,
12:26 PM

Atrami ii V7 Imaj7 - ii... 03-16-2021,
04:49 AM

Tsantos180 Exercicio Gui 03-21-2021,
05:18 PM

Chrisdee8h Jazz Rhythm Changes 06-10-2021,
11:59 AM

Serova 12-Bar Blues Improvisation 09-05-2021,
06:57 PM

MichalCekus Jazz Practice Exercises 10-06-2021,
12:25 PM

JonnySterling ii - V - I and iidim - V - i... 11-08-2021,
01:09 PM

WoodenBoxEngineer Jazz Practice Exercises 12-12-2021,
07:06 PM

itubal Jazz Blues Fourths (drum... 01-13-2022,
03:02 PM

theodejong Modal Exercises - Theo de Jong 01-20-2022,
10:31 AM

SiriusBass Traid and scales 02-04-2022,
06:38 PM

Math04Sav All Warm Up v5... 03-08-2022,
03:54 PM

fradeli hi, I need cycles 1 6 2 5,... 04-24-2022,
03:21 AM

JazzFabi 36251 04-30-2022,
01:58 AM

lampshaid42 Rosysquinkle Excercises 06-29-2022,
12:56 AM

Bobsax internal time challenges... 09-24-2022,
02:41 PM

twalker1472 Dominant 7th Practice 10-20-2022,
10:48 AM

Stefjazz II-V-I with 3th and 7th 10-26-2022,
03:11 AM

carlcubass8455 Pentatonic Backing track in... 10-26-2022,
05:00 PM

Juanteclas I think this is a very... 10-27-2022,
06:45 AM

danzalmar Inversion Chords practice 02-10-2023,
07:14 PM

ThrashingTrash8 Circle of Fourths... 03-20-2023,
01:17 PM

JazzVerbs Major 6 Vamps 06-02-2023,
10:31 PM

BaronBarel Jazz Practice Exercises 08-04-2023,
07:19 AM

KristinaFuchs Jazz Practice Exercises 09-11-2023,
04:45 AM

basexperience Autumn Leaves in the Circle... 09-12-2023,
05:21 PM

JonBlanck Major Triad Exercises 09-25-2023,
09:43 AM

JonBlanck Minor Triads JB 09-25-2023,
09:50 AM

JonBlanck Major + Minor Triads 09-25-2023,
09:51 AM

JonBlanck Triads Mixed 09-25-2023,
09:52 AM

JonBlanck Major 7th 09-25-2023,
09:52 AM

RKB Dominant7#5 Practice 09-26-2023,
09:19 AM

JuanitaQ Jazz Exercises? 01-24-2024,
11:27 PM

YixinHuang IMEP ETI_119•4 【ii V I... 02-05-2024,
09:49 AM

YixinHuang IMEP ETI_119-1-1【I IV V... 02-05-2024,
04:00 PM

YixinHuang IMEP ETI_119-1-2【I V IV... 02-05-2024,
04:14 PM

ferrinho30 Chords and progressions 02-28-2024,
02:57 PM

hopelessboy Practice 03-20-2024,
10:08 AM

n00blar Building a Jazz Vocabulary 05-04-2024,
03:49 PM

ukerichard 12-Bar Blues Variations 05-17-2024,
07:38 PM

JonnySterling 4 Bar ii-V-I Maj Rando Distro... 08-09-2024,
02:55 PM

ferrinho30 Chords And Progressions... 08-22-2024,
12:03 PM

Marcov II V I cycle de quintes 02-11-2025,
06:12 AM

Cronban Wonderful Hermannhesse !... 03-07-2018,
07:44 AM
17 Blues Variations
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