111 Full Scale Practice Half - Klangakrobat
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111 Full Scale Practice Half - Klangakrobat
Pentatonic exercise
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Helpful information:
Backing track to practice C minor pentatonic
Pentatonic - Unknown Composer
Jazz Keyboard Harmony Exercises (7)
Individual songs:
Practice Pattern #12 (Random Keys) - Degreg
Practice Pattern #1 (Descending Whole Steps) - DeGreg
Practice Pattern #3 (Descending Whole Steps) - DeGreg
Practice Pattern #5 (Around Key Circle) - DeGreg
Practice Pattern #7 (Descending Half Steps) - DeGreg
Practice Pattern #9 (Descending Half Steps) - DeGreg
Practice Pattern #13 (Minor Descending Whole Steps) - DeGreg
Main discussion thread
patterns (12)
Individual songs:
2 sets per line: ii-V7-I - Sharp-b Exercise-mm102
Exercise (ii7b5 - V7b9 - i) - Brown Aaron
II-V-I in 12 Major Keys - Exercise
II-V-I in 12 Minor Keys - Exercise
II-V-I Major to minor 4 four - Sharp-b mm 140 2x each
II-V-I Major to minor, in 3-four time - Sharp-b mm 132 2x each
Vi-ii-V7-I (circle in 6ths) - Sharp-b mm115
Subdominant mineur pattern 1 - Unknown Composer
Subdominant mineur pattern 2 - Unknown Composer
Subdominant mineur pattern 3 - Unknown Composer
Subdominant mineur pattern 4 - Unknown Composer
Subdominant minuer pattern 5 - Unknown Composer
Circle Of Fourths - Me!
Hey this is a circle of fourths scale and arpeggio practice loop. Mainly posting for JMI students but feel free to use it anyone 👍
Social Distancing, Day 2 (7)
Individual exercises:
Buzz Buzz Bossa, The - Unknown Composer
Remington Bossa Nova, The - Unknown Composer
Lip Slur Bossa, The - Unknown Composer
Articulation Bossa Nova, The - Unknown Composer
Tonic, P4. P5, Tonic Bossa, The - Unknown Composer
Scale Bossa (Cycle of 4ths), The - Unknown Composer
Warm-Down Bossa, The - Unknown Composer
Full Scale Practice 5 - Klangakrobat