II - V - I Major and Minor Workout - Marcus Conrad
This harmony 2 - 5 - 1 major and minor has basically chords for trainning major and minor diatonic scale, harmonic minor scale and melodic minor scale.
D half-diminished 9 major = Locrian 9 (melodic minor)
G Alt = melodic minor altered scale
Cm7 = Dorian or eolian escale
Dm7 = dorian scale
G13 = mixolidian or lidian b7 scale
Cmaj7 = jonian scale
Dm7 (b5) = locrian scale
G7 b9 b13 = mixolidian b9 b13 scale (harmonic minor scale)
Cm6 = Dorian 7M (melodic minor scale)
Eb diminished = SubV from G7, so just to practice the diminished scale in four bars.
Appling the arpegio for each chord will be very very useful.
Set the transposition (?) for 4th and enjoy it!!!