Strange problem with reverb/FX
Hi, I just replied to a post on the Mac OS forum about a problem with the FX slider, but this is a very strange issue I'm having with the iPhone and iPad versions.
I use iReal b v. 4.1.2 on both the iPhone 4 and 1st gen iPad.
I have been playing through a couple of powered speaker systems for a year, no problems. When I adjust the FX slider, it does what it is supposed to do: change the level of reverb. The volume has never been affected.
Today, I plugged into an Alto Truesonic TS112A powered speaker for the first time. When plugged into the Alto speaker, when I adjust the FX slider it acts as a volume control, and reverb sounds like it is always at maximum. I tried playing iReal b using both my iPhone and iPad and I get the same thing. It looks like isax is having the same problem using iReal b for Mac, but he doesn't say what amplification he is using: isax post here
Now, I know what some of you are thinking...the Alto speaker has built-in reverb...but it does not. And, I can plug my iPad into a Line 6 HD500 board and run that plus my guitar into the Alto, and the FX slider works as it should.
Any ideas on how to solve this problem? :confused: