How can you force a line that is jammed with too many bars to break onto the next line?
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How can you force a line that is jammed with too many bars to break onto the next line?
In Edit, use the RightArrowPlus key to make some of the measures wider. That will kick some of the measures down onto the next line.
Try not to allow a measure(s) to "wrap" between systems (lines), it makes it tricky for the reader.
(The player-feature will follow it)
sorry, but:
can sameone tell me, where i can find this "RightArrowPlus key"? Especially on a german keyboard for MacOS?
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Is that what you want to do?
I notice there's now a newline button next to the note window, I think that's right, on the osX version anyway. It simply writes \\ as text. However, it doesn't seem to do anything, I've tried putting it at the start of the bar I want on the next line and at the end of the bar prior to that but nothing is displayed differently in the editor, nor if I save and exit. Is this functionality working yet, or am I making a mistake?
HOW??? How do you force a line break? I'm typing up something in 3/4 time and it is SUPER SUPER awkward. Not very readable. It is because I want to have ONE space for each quarter note. This causes the 6th measure to be split between two lines. Beat one on a line while beats 2 and 3 are on the next line. There's got to be a better way. It would make sense if there WAS a line break. But, I just don't see how. The example above isn't a line break - just adding or deleting space. I'm using a Mac.
There are 16 spaces in each system (line). A space is not a “beat”, although it often works out like that. The number of “beats” is determined by the player program and the time-signature as applied to the measures designated by the placement of bar-lines.
I understand you would like to use one space per quarter note. With 16 spaces per system, the math works out nicely for four 4-space measures. The player will easily play 4-space bars in 3/4 time. As you can see the math doesn’t work out to display 3-space bars across a system and that “automatic” barline at the end gives the appearance of an empty measure (which the player ignores) at the end of the system or wraps a measure across two systems which I find particularly difficult to follow.
You can choose to have 4 3-space bars with an empty 4-space bar in each system for a neat, square chart in 3/4 or use 5 3-space bars with the extra single-space empty measure.
I prefer to use 4 4-space bars per system whenever possible for a neat, square, easy to follow chart regardless of the time-sig.