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Thread: Sound issues after JellyBean 4.1.2 update

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Sound issues after JellyBean 4.1.2 update

    I am currently using VZ Razr (Original) on JB 4.1.2. iReal B only app (so far) that is experiencing issues. Sound is skipping, some lagging then speeds up.

    Has anyone experienced this too?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    There is a button that looks like a graduation hat (in the player controls) and you can set the tempo there.

    To improve the sound quality: try to go to Settings in iReal b, turn off the Automatic Audio buffer and set it up manually.
    Let me know if it solved the problem.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Niki View Post
    There is a button that looks like a graduation hat (in the player controls) and you can set the tempo there.

    To improve the sound quality: try to go to Settings in iReal b, turn off the Automatic Audio buffer and set it up manually.
    Let me know if it solved the problem.
    I turned on the Auto Audio Buffer and set it to default. The BPM I left it to off. This seems to work. BPM = Beats per Measure? What does the Auto Audio Buffer do? Thanks for your assistance.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    BPM=Beats Per Minute.
    Auto Audio Buffer means the default settings (but sometimes these are not optimal for your device so you have to change them manually)
    When you are playing audio on your device, your soundcard needs some time to process the incoming information. The amount of time allotted for processing is called the Buffer Size.
    You need to experiment and find the right balance on your device.
    If the audio is distorting or glitching then turn Automatic Audio Buffer Off and increase the buffer size (towards the right)


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