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Thread: Highlighter is off by one bar on the playback music

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Highlighter is off by one bar on the playback music

    Hello All,

    Just downloaded this app and it's great. I've encountered a few issues and just seeing if it is bugs or something wrong with my song downloads. I'm running this app on my new Galaxy 10.1

    One issue is that on some songs, after the countoff, the highlighter is on Bar 2 when the song starts. So in actuallity the song is playing on Bar 1 but the highlighter is on Bar 2. So the highlighter is off (ahead) by one bar on the chart when the music is playing.

    Also, some of the songs seem to have a lot of static in them.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    For the static, see advanced audio settings in iReal b.

    For the displaced positions marker it might be due to bluetooth audio or similar that you are using.


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