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Thread: Samba style rhythms

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Samba style rhythms

    Just bought this app for my new ipad & it's really great & going to a huge timesaver for me.

    The backing tracks are surprisingly good too & quite usable on a solo or duo gig situation.

    I downloaded the extra latin styles pack but come across the same old problem regarding samba.
    ie. the rhythm is played the wrong way around on most tracks.
    It's a shame that the makers of these things dont appreciate that samba too has a clave just like cuban music & can be played 2-3 or 3-2, this is a problem I find on band in the box too which I suspect is the basis of these styles.
    The American way or old fashioned Brazilian way is 3-2 with the on beats of the rhythm in the 1st bar & the off beats in the 2nd (if you count it in 2/4) or the 1st & 2nd halves of the bar if thinking in 4/4 & this is the style used here in the irealb Latin style 3. Brazil Samba.

    It shouldn't be that difficult to have it the other way around & nearly all modern Brazilian samba for the last god knows how many years has been this way.

  2. #2


    Yep... also there are no true Latin / Flamenco Rhumbas... the accents aren't quite right the way most folks play them... would like a Gypsy Rumba... I still use the provided styles, folks still pay me, but I would sure like some authentic rythms...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Does anyone know if there there is a way to create or edit styles? Some, Samba and Bossa Nova included, need a touch.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by hflorez View Post
    Does anyone know if there there is a way to create or edit styles? Some, Samba and Bossa Nova included, need a touch.
    No this is not possible.


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