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Thread: Chrome import problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Chrome import problem

    I'm having a problem importing single songs from the forums. I click on the song and it doesn't show up in any playlist or song list. What am I doing wrong?

    I'm using an Android device.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by tc225 View Post
    I'm having a problem importing single songs from the forums...
    What you are probably looking at is a playlist, which imports all the songs listed below. Tapping the playlist name will import all the playlist songs, but tapping a single song below does nothing as it is just the list. You can delete any songs imported you do not want from the Songs index (not from the playlist) by long-pressing on the song (deleting from the playlist only removes it from that playlist.)
    However where you see a single song uploaded at the forum, this will import as just that song with tap.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Sorry, to be not clear about my inquiry. But I am looking at individual threads of songs and tapping on the song. But when I look for it in a search, I don't seem to either locate it or have it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by tc225 View Post
    Sorry, to be not clear about my inquiry. But I am looking at individual threads of songs and tapping on the song. But when I look for it in a search, I don't seem to either locate it or have it.
    When you tap on a song, iReal b should open and show you the single song. Just to be clear, the song link is underlined (should be a blue color.) It is this you tap.
    You could use a different browser than the one you are using. Chrome, Opera etc.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by tc225 View Post
    ... But when I look for it in a search, I don't seem to either locate it or have it.
    Also v1.4 has just been released. There have been numerous changes including import. Let us know if you still have problems.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    I don't know what is going wrong. iRealB is updated to 1.4, I'm using Chrome as my browser on the phone (HTC Incredible 2)

    When I tap on a song or a playlist now, it never shows. The notification bar at the top flashes down and goes back up. Is there a setting in the browser I have wrong or something in the program?

    I imported a lot of the playlists before when I first got the program and now I can't seem to import anything.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by tc225 View Post
    I don't know what is going wrong. iRealB is updated to 1.4, I'm using Chrome as my browser on the phone ...
    There are a few things to try initially:
    - turn off your phone completely then on again. Test.
    - try another browser (you can delete it after testing if you do not like to use it.) Test.
    - Settings>Apps>Chrome - clear cache. Test.

    - Settings>Apps>Chrome - clear data. Test.
    this last one will clear accounts, settings, bookmarks etc. and a few other things but google bookmarks should come in again. I have had to do this a couple of times when it started not responding as it should (not related to downloading irealb songs though, with general browsing.) When I started again, it logged back into my google account automatically and everything worked. I am not sure I really lost anything important.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    I tried clearing everything like you suggested and it still doesn't work.

    I installed Opera and it I'm able to see and import songs.

    I'd like to be able to just launch the irealB app instead of having to go through Opera. I mean it works, but I just wonder what I have set wrong on my browser or phone.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by tc225 View Post
    I tried clearing everything like you suggested and it still doesn't work.
    Try a reinstall of Chrome.
    Also, were there any settings you had to reset when you started Chrome again after clearing everything, or did you just test after it started up?
    (I'm glad at least it works with Opera for now.)


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