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Thread: Chord spelling

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Chord spelling

    Request to change the following Major 7th chord spelling:
    ∆7#11 to ∆#11 and ∆7#5 to ∆#5.
    The number "7" is redundant. The ∆ symbol already implies a major 7th. When having 4 chords in a bar, such chords overlap on each other and it become impossible to distinguish the last characters (#11 or #5), even when the smallest font is used. So removing the number "7" will definitely improve readability.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by CyrilleB View Post
    Request to change the following Major 7th chord spelling:
    ∆7#11 to ∆#11 and ∆7#5 to ∆#5.
    The number "7" is redundant. The ∆ symbol already implies a major 7th. When having 4 chords in a bar, such chords overlap on each other and it become impossible to distinguish the last characters (#11 or #5), even when the smallest font is used. So removing the number "7" will definitely improve readability.
    +1 I've been writing like that for a long time. No need for the "7".


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