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Thread: Ska style?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default Ska style?

    Is there a style that plays continuous upbeats on the chord part?Like for instance ska.?
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 01-16-2018 at 04:30 PM. Reason: Made thread starter
    Don't post a playlist as the songs in a Realbook if the changes aren't from the book.
    If you do transcribe changes from a book put it in the title RB1, RB2, GGB, Sher, etc

  2. #2


    There is some discussion here;

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Shout and Flat Tire in the new blues styles have nice up-beat grooves. but still not Ska . Too bad they didn't include it. It's almost Gypsy Jazz with up-beats. Wouldn't think it would be as hard to program as some of the other beats.
    Does anybody know if a Ska style is in the works?
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 01-16-2018 at 06:56 PM. Reason: Copied from Ska Songs thread
    Don't post a playlist as the songs in a Realbook if the changes aren't from the book.
    If you do transcribe changes from a book put it in the title RB1, RB2, GGB, Sher, etc

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    well I hope it's on the radar of the iReal team.
    Don't post a playlist as the songs in a Realbook if the changes aren't from the book.
    If you do transcribe changes from a book put it in the title RB1, RB2, GGB, Sher, etc


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