Can't seem to find out how to download the extra jazz styles. Any suggestions please
Can't seem to find out how to download the extra jazz styles. Any suggestions please
Last edited by pdxdjazz; 07-30-2015 at 03:11 PM.
More>Store. They are an in-app purchase.
The 'Buy all 12 styles' selection button doesn't do anything
I seem to have version 6.1 From Amazon. By updating will this effect my saved songs?
Success of sorts. I updated as suggested. Purchased the new styles but can't seem to find where they've been downloaded to. I checked the normal styles list but they are not there. Help
Right I've found out where they are. They have ended up on my KIndle for some reason even tho I purchased them from my tablet. I assume it's all to do with them being in synch. So how can I get them onto my tablet where I do all my work. BTW thnx for all this help.
On your tablet you installed from the Amazon App Store, correct? Then open the app, tap on More/Extra Jazz Styles and you're all set![]()
Last edited by Niki; 06-20-2015 at 09:57 PM. Reason: Corrected steps