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- are you using a different keyboard apps? you could try a different one or the default one
- are you inputting normal text characters? (most emojis and other specialized text characters are not allowed)
Normal keyboard, no emoji
- do you see the text characters as you type it in?
Yes, but only one at a time: for instance if I want to time "blah", I see "B" (capital) when I press B. Then B disapppears and a capital L is displayed when I ress L. Then L disapppears and a capital A is displayed when I press A. (and so on and so forth.)
and then when you touch Enter, is this when it all disappears?
No, only the last letter typed is retained, in capital (I don't have a clue why).
- does the keyboard work normally for emails or other text apps?
- what version of iReal Pro are you using? (More-About)
6.1 (61000)
If you have any other information you can provide, please let us know. Thanks.
Sure. If I find something suspicious, I'll let you know.