View Full Version : Feature requests
- Sync Across (Android) Devices (1 replies)
- Additional jazz swing style (0 replies)
- Export XML format in a file (0 replies)
- Change columns setting for existing song (4 replies)
- Flat keys only in practice mode (0 replies)
- Change Grid form for existing song ? (1 replies)
- How long ‘Till The Sun - Michael Brecker (Request) (0 replies)
- Mode for accompaniment to improve inner clock and form/structure development (4 replies)
- Splitting Count Off Signal (1 replies)
- Favouriting songs (1 replies)
- 3/2 measures shouldn't feel like two measures of 3/4 (2 replies)
- Record with Bluetooth devices (2 replies)
- Song search (2 replies)
- Create/change easy playlist/setlist overview (1 replies)
- EQ controls? (0 replies)
- ireapro links including all playback parameters (1 replies)
- Lowercase vs. uppercase chords (0 replies)
- User-filled URL fields in every song : link to PDF file, or YouTube video, or ... (1 replies)
- “Drop the needle” (random song selection) (0 replies)
- Skins interface colours (0 replies)
- Playing alternate chords (0 replies)
- Please return to colour choice (3 replies)
- Background color for specific cells (0 replies)
- Rests when composing progressions ? (3 replies)
- AUv3 ? (0 replies)
- Feedback on the first time posting for a new user (1 replies)
- Import Music XML format? (1 replies)
- "Preferences" needs an update (0 replies)
- Selectively importing songs from main playlists (1 replies)
- Exporting song list in the style playlists (0 replies)
- Apple Vision Pro version? (2 replies)
- Add Tool Tips (1 replies)
- A bass-strum acousic guitar for the bluegrass and country styles (1 replies)
- Variazione dei ritmi all'interno dei singoli brani (2 replies)
- Undo (1 replies)
- Jazz Drums and Bass are too complicated (0 replies)
- Using across device OS (1 replies)
- Playlists request (1 replies)
- URL scheme (0 replies)
- Showing Voice Leading in Changes (0 replies)
- Length of songs / playlists (3 replies)
- Additional Transposing Instruments (0 replies)
- playlist specific keys (2 replies)
- Know whether a song is used in any playlist(s) (7 replies)
- Midi drum (1 replies)
- Setlist Placeholders (1 replies)
- THE UPGRADE ? Will it happen? (1 replies)
- Lower case song title (1 replies)
- Increase maximum tempo to 400+ bpm (2 replies)
- Changing between time signatures (0 replies)
- Drumbeat Rest (1 replies)
- Playing root, chord, then hip notes lke the 9. (0 replies)
- New style to arpeggiate chords? (1 replies)
- Save a song with just title and key (0 replies)
- Overall Volume For Mixer (1 replies)
- Need E# and B# to be valid as bass notes (3 replies)
- Chord req: minor 13 (5 replies)
- Changing title/bmp/key/name after saved changes the style (0 replies)
- Eighth note chords for slow songs (0 replies)
- Odd meters (1 replies)
- Pan function for Count in & a panable click track. (0 replies)
- Line spacing and font size (1 replies)
- Double time option (6 replies)
- Need ø11 or ø add11 (1 replies)
- Repeat measure counts (2/12) (1 replies)
- MacOS version - Feature to zoom in the score (0 replies)
- "Satisfaction" snare (0 replies)
- PDF Colors (2 replies)
- More jazz guitar options (1 replies)
- One more instrument key for transposition (1 replies)
- Add locrian/altered diminished scales (0 replies)
- Practice: slow down option (3 replies)
- Custom Drum Samples & Patterns (0 replies)
- Structural Search - Find Songs Like Selection (1 replies)
- Boogie Woogie Style (0 replies)
- Bigger area: Ability to purchase tracks from fellow musicians (1 replies)
- Bass Plays Chord Roots Only? (1 replies)
- Option to transpose down (2 replies)
- Fonts: Default vs. Handwriting (2 replies)
- On Edit mode, add a "Test" (0 replies)
- Blink "Repeat" sign when part is going to be repeated. (1 replies)
- Font size changing (4 replies)
- Add keyboard ans shortcuts support on Android version (0 replies)
- Play together (3 replies)
- Option to 'omit' a chord tone (4 replies)
- Exclusive area for finding Method books (3 replies)
- Block Chords track with MIDI Export (0 replies)
- Separate Color for Alternate Chords (7 replies)
- Why Can’t Piano Be Available For Every Musical Style? (3 replies)
- Map Harmony Tonal (1 replies)
- Visualizing Chord Diagrams for next measure (2 replies)
- Magic Keyboard for iPad Pro 5th Gen Volume Up/Down Arrow Keys (0 replies)
- Exporting search results (0 replies)
- Save/Reset Playlist Order (1 replies)
- Speak the chord changes (1 replies)
- Simple practice logger ? (2 replies)
- Spark 40 Amp integration (0 replies)
- Chord request for blues (0 replies)
- Playlists-specific transpositions (2 replies)
- Playlist Synchronisation (1 replies)
- Request: External keyboard support (tempo, pause/resume) (1 replies)
- Walking bass lines (0 replies)
- iReal pro for Pets (2 replies)
- Ability to play paused/displayed piano chords (2 replies)
- Invisible search window ? (0 replies)
- Practice Transpose and Tempo feature Improved ? (2 replies)
- Would it be possible to show measure numbers? (1 replies)
- Snare drum option (0 replies)
- Esperanto - Jack McDuff-Billy Meshel (1 replies)
- Temporarily mute tracks (2 replies)
- Add Swing Percentages (2 replies)
- keep playback exactly the same (2 replies)
- Recording Practice Time (0 replies)
- Guide tone feature (1 replies)
- Staff Notation for Piano Chords (1 replies)
- instant ON & OFF instrument selection (0 replies)
- voice search (9 replies)
- Step by step chord course for beginners? (1 replies)
- Bass only and N.C. (8 replies)
- Chord rhythm suggestion (0 replies)
- Lyrics (1 replies)
- Bass range option (0 replies)
- Improved Latin Brazilian guitar grooves (3 replies)
- Repeating sections shortcut? (0 replies)
- Pinning songs to the top of playlists (6 replies)
- Chord thoughts (13 replies)
- New chord request: sus(b5) (0 replies)
- Delete all songs, keep mixer settings - please (0 replies)
- Hold (sustain) feature request (0 replies)
- Using D.S. and Coda in the same song (0 replies)
- Trading fours (0 replies)
- Flamenco styles (0 replies)
- General improvements for creating/editing charts (4 replies)
- The Gypsy jazz sound could be improved (please) (7 replies)
- a new web-based editor (0 replies)
- Treatment of blank measures is not intuitive (2 replies)
- Teleprompter (image reversal) feature (1 replies)
- Number notation minor key display options (4 replies)
- Chord request; just 3 and 7 and Great Update (9 replies)
- How do I display arpeggios instead of scales when practicing songs? (1 replies)
- Strummed Guitar, Please (1 replies)
- Add support for special characters in song Titles (1 replies)
- Add to playlist from most recently played (5 replies)
- MIDI beat clock sync (0 replies)
- Could we have All Tabs in one view!? (1 replies)
- entering text in charts (1 replies)
- Inclusion of sound audition of chord types in editing mode, very helpful (1 replies)
- Allow unicode music symbols ? (8 replies)
- Using empty cells to control chord duration (12 replies)
- Inter-app audio function with cubasis (2 replies)
- Copy and paste in Android app (1 replies)
- Annotations (0 replies)
- Chord Request: sus2 (2 replies)
- Affiliatte Links (1 replies)
- Chord Request 13b9#11 (4 replies)
- More flexible player controls (0 replies)
- Using backing tracks for YouTube videos? (1 replies)
- Short text info for playlists (1 replies)
- 3/4 meter backbeat (0 replies)
- Intro beats (1 replies)
- Comping options (0 replies)
- Ability to send MIDI event to change Keyboard patch when selecting songs (4 replies)
- How about an “outtro” feature? (1 replies)
- Embellished chord function (0 replies)
- Songs with different chord changes for solos (3 replies)
- go to a coda/ending, even though the song hasent played all the repeats. (2 replies)
- Additional comping patterns (0 replies)
- Ditching the automatic final chord (13 replies)
- Digital and handwritten score\tab (0 replies)
- Triplets (1 replies)
- Double Bass Tabs? (0 replies)
- Independent control of the mixer (6 replies)
- Baroque backing tracks (1 replies)
- Chord spelling (1 replies)
- Chord-by-chord mode? (1 replies)
- Auto turn-off display on tablet when closed (12 replies)
- Deleting songs (0 replies)
- Sort or filter by default key, form, time signature, chord type etc. (1 replies)
- It Amazes Me - Cy Coleman-Carolyn Leigh (Request) (1 replies)
- MIDI Send Patch Change when opening a chart (0 replies)
- Search german Umlaute ä ü ö (1 replies)
- Larger double dots on “repeat brackets” (4 replies)
- Bulk Rename or something (0 replies)
- Rain - Brian Alexander Morgan-Jaco Pastorius (0 replies)
- Chord request: Cmin7#5 / C-7#5 (7 replies)
- Navigation improvement? (1 replies)
- Playlist - reordering, multiple selection (0 replies)
- Style: straight "jazz:long notes" version (3 replies)
- Export with Chord Scales for MusicXML (1 replies)
- Double sharp Double flat?? (10 replies)
- Add horn section backing? (1 replies)
- Ableton Link +MIDI CHORD/BASS Output for external synths, arpeggiators etc (15 replies)
- Custom rehearsal marks? (1 replies)
- D.S. and D.C in the same song (0 replies)
- Does anyone have PDFs or Image files library for download? Want to start one? (1 replies)
- Import/convert other song chart formats directly to iReal pro? (3 replies)
- Song sorting (5 replies)
- Check several Songs and delete them at once (4 replies)
- Save edited tempo when adding to playlist (1 replies)
- Remember When - Alan Jackson (2 replies)
- Delay before count in (2 replies)
- Transpose for 'A' clarinet? (0 replies)
- Text font size (3 replies)
- In The Air Tonight - Phil Collins (2 replies)
- Keep style/tempo when Duplicating songs (0 replies)
- Scales/technique exercises ? (1 replies)
- Ritmos de mexico - Mexican styles? (3 replies)
- Set list export (2 replies)
- Count down compatible with Bluetooth (1 replies)
- Mute/unmute instruments in part of the song (1 replies)
- Most recently used playlist (0 replies)
- Tap on chord to show name in other font/system (0 replies)
- Button top of list/bottom of list in playlists (6 replies)
- Resizing page with Android 8+ devices (0 replies)
- Export more than one instrument in one step (0 replies)
- Scroll-up/down to shift grid 1/2 tone up/down (2 replies)
- Deleting song - WAIT!! Song is in use in playlist (2 replies)
- Pentatonic Scale Diagrams in Charts (0 replies)
- Organize a playlist by sets (1 replies)
- next song issues (5 replies)
- Enharmonic Transposition, Flats vs. Sharps, slash chords (5 replies)
- Drum fills (3 replies)
- Hard stop (3 replies)
- Guitar CAGED diagrams (2 replies)
- New playlist at top of list please! (19 replies)
- Favorites (0 replies)
- Field for year (0 replies)
- Set list export option - show composer name (0 replies)
- Altered guitar tunings (3 replies)
- AUv3 and MIDI Triggers (4 replies)
- Ascap / bmi / sesac (2 replies)
- Album feature??? what is this? (4 replies)
- Half-time Count in option for fast tempos (0 replies)
- Piano Chord Libray - Missing Chord (0 replies)
- Forum database (1 replies)
- Chords Highlight (user selectable colors) (0 replies)
- African Styles ? (3 replies)
- Add multiple songs to playlists (mark multiple songs to add) (10 replies)
- Save search to playlist (0 replies)
- Automatic optical Count In ? (2 replies)
- Unallocated Songs Playlist (3 replies)
- Bossa Nova style revision request (3 replies)
- Use "in-house" search engine for forum instead of Google. (1 replies)
- Deleting playlists (3 replies)
- Looking for a rock-boogie style (3 replies)
- Switching "feel" within a song (0 replies)
- Scales/Chords for transposed instruments (4 replies)
- Tuner (1 replies)
- PC or LINUX version (or suitable hack)? (8 replies)
- Ska style? (3 replies)
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