View Full Version : Feature requests

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  1. Length of songs / playlists
  2. Showing Voice Leading in Changes
  3. URL scheme
  4. Playlists request
  5. Using across device OS
  6. Jazz Drums and Bass are too complicated
  7. Undo
  8. Variazione dei ritmi all'interno dei singoli brani
  9. A bass-strum acousic guitar for the bluegrass and country styles
  10. Add Tool Tips
  11. Apple Vision Pro version?
  12. Exporting song list in the style playlists
  13. Selectively importing songs from main playlists
  14. "Preferences" needs an update
  15. Import Music XML format?
  16. Endless Loop until que
  17. Feedback on the first time posting for a new user
  18. AUv3 ?
  19. Rests when composing progressions ?
  20. Background color for specific cells
  21. Please return to colour choice
  22. Playing alternate chords
  23. Skins interface colours
  24. Find Pretty Womans in your town for night