View Full Version : Feature requests

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  1. Instructions
  2. Question about minor b6 and minor #5 chords
  3. How to make iReal Pro accept an D-7(9) chord?
  4. How the change a song edited in 48 measures in 96 measures ?
  5. Issues when uploading songs in the forum
  6. Combining multi-page charts audio
  7. Alternate bass lines
  8. Tenor Banjo (CGDA) chord diagrams please
  9. Web Player
  10. Number of choruses
  11. Metronome - click
  12. Mr D. Funky player styles?
  13. Cycle Playback position colors for repeats
  14. 'Jazz' style count-in
  15. Player 'Preload' next song and immediate play
  16. New chord type request: susMaj7
  17. Last Viewed and Last Imported features wanted
  18. Functional Forums Search
  19. overdub bass part in sections
  20. More Drum tracks?
  21. You should replace songs in Main playlists with my edits
  22. Root only
  23. Instruments routing
  24. Song info window
  25. Number system entry
  26. An "In-Two" Style
  27. Two page view
  28. User selected styles for different sections
  29. "Hold" feature request
  30. Sort playlist by composer?
  31. Alternative music main playlist?
  32. 7#5#11 or whole tone chords?
  33. Last viewed playlist
  34. Add blinking/flashing metronome?
  35. Scales into TAB
  36. Save key against playlist track
  37. List songs by Style for Android
  38. Ska style?
  39. PC or LINUX version (or suitable hack)?
  40. Tuner
  41. Scales/Chords for transposed instruments
  42. Switching "feel" within a song
  43. Looking for a rock-boogie style
  44. Deleting playlists
  45. Use "in-house" search engine for forum instead of Google.
  46. Bossa Nova style revision request
  47. Unallocated Songs Playlist
  48. Automatic optical Count In ?
  49. Save search to playlist
  50. Add multiple songs to playlists (mark multiple songs to add)
  51. African Styles ?
  52. Chords Highlight (user selectable colors)
  53. Forum database
  54. Piano Chord Libray - Missing Chord
  55. Half-time Count in option for fast tempos
  56. Album feature??? what is this?
  57. Ascap / bmi / sesac
  58. AUv3 and MIDI Triggers
  59. Altered guitar tunings
  60. Set list export option - show composer name
  61. Field for year
  62. Favorites
  63. New playlist at top of list please!
  64. Guitar CAGED diagrams
  65. Hard stop
  66. Drum fills
  67. Enharmonic Transposition, Flats vs. Sharps, slash chords
  68. next song issues
  69. Organize a playlist by sets
  70. Pentatonic Scale Diagrams in Charts
  71. Deleting song - WAIT!! Song is in use in playlist
  72. Scroll-up/down to shift grid 1/2 tone up/down
  73. Export more than one instrument in one step
  74. Resizing page with Android 8+ devices
  75. Button top of list/bottom of list in playlists
  76. Tap on chord to show name in other font/system
  77. Most recently used playlist
  78. Mute/unmute instruments in part of the song
  79. Count down compatible with Bluetooth
  80. Set list export
  81. Ritmos de mexico - Mexican styles?
  82. Scales/technique exercises ?
  83. Keep style/tempo when Duplicating songs
  84. In The Air Tonight - Phil Collins
  85. Text font size
  86. Transpose for 'A' clarinet?
  87. Delay before count in
  88. Remember When - Alan Jackson
  89. Save edited tempo when adding to playlist
  90. Check several Songs and delete them at once
  91. Song sorting
  92. Import/convert other song chart formats directly to iReal pro?
  93. Does anyone have PDFs or Image files library for download? Want to start one?
  94. D.S. and D.C in the same song
  95. Custom rehearsal marks?
  96. Ableton Link +MIDI CHORD/BASS Output for external synths, arpeggiators etc
  97. Add horn section backing?
  98. Double sharp Double flat??
  99. Export with Chord Scales for MusicXML
  100. Style: straight "jazz:long notes" version
  101. Playlist - reordering, multiple selection
  102. Navigation improvement?
  103. Chord request: Cmin7#5 / C-7#5
  104. Rain - Brian Alexander Morgan-Jaco Pastorius
  105. Bulk Rename or something
  106. Larger double dots on “repeat brackets”
  107. Search german Umlaute ä ü ö
  108. MIDI Send Patch Change when opening a chart
  109. It Amazes Me - Cy Coleman-Carolyn Leigh (Request)
  110. Sort or filter by default key, form, time signature, chord type etc.
  111. Deleting songs
  112. Auto turn-off display on tablet when closed
  113. Chord-by-chord mode?
  114. Chord spelling
  115. Baroque backing tracks
  116. Independent control of the mixer
  117. Double Bass Tabs?
  118. Triplets
  119. Digital and handwritten score\tab
  120. Ditching the automatic final chord
  121. Additional comping patterns
  122. go to a coda/ending, even though the song hasent played all the repeats.
  123. Songs with different chord changes for solos
  124. Embellished chord function
  125. How about an “outtro” feature?
  126. Ability to send MIDI event to change Keyboard patch when selecting songs
  127. Comping options
  128. Intro beats
  129. 3/4 meter backbeat
  130. Short text info for playlists
  131. Using backing tracks for YouTube videos?
  132. More flexible player controls
  133. Chord Request 13b9#11
  134. Affiliatte Links
  135. Chord Request: sus2
  136. Annotations
  137. Copy and paste in Android app
  138. Inter-app audio function with cubasis
  139. Using empty cells to control chord duration
  140. Allow unicode music symbols ?
  141. Inclusion of sound audition of chord types in editing mode, very helpful
  142. entering text in charts
  143. Could we have All Tabs in one view!?
  144. MIDI beat clock sync
  145. Add to playlist from most recently played
  146. Add support for special characters in song Titles
  147. Strummed Guitar, Please
  148. How do I display arpeggios instead of scales when practicing songs?
  149. Chord request; just 3 and 7 and Great Update
  150. Number notation minor key display options
  151. Teleprompter (image reversal) feature
  152. Treatment of blank measures is not intuitive
  153. a new web-based editor
  154. The Gypsy jazz sound could be improved (please)
  155. General improvements for creating/editing charts
  156. Flamenco styles
  157. Trading fours
  158. Using D.S. and Coda in the same song
  159. Hold (sustain) feature request
  160. Delete all songs, keep mixer settings - please
  161. New chord request: sus(b5)
  162. Chord thoughts
  163. Pinning songs to the top of playlists
  164. Repeating sections shortcut?
  165. Improved Latin Brazilian guitar grooves
  166. Bass range option
  167. Lyrics
  168. Chord rhythm suggestion
  169. Bass only and N.C.
  170. Step by step chord course for beginners?
  171. voice search
  172. instant ON & OFF instrument selection
  173. Staff Notation for Piano Chords
  174. Guide tone feature
  175. Recording Practice Time
  176. keep playback exactly the same
  177. Add Swing Percentages
  178. Temporarily mute tracks
  179. Esperanto - Jack McDuff-Billy Meshel
  180. Snare drum option
  181. Would it be possible to show measure numbers?
  182. Practice Transpose and Tempo feature Improved ?
  183. Invisible search window ?
  184. Ability to play paused/displayed piano chords
  185. iReal pro for Pets
  186. Walking bass lines
  187. Request: External keyboard support (tempo, pause/resume)
  188. Playlist Synchronisation
  189. Playlists-specific transpositions
  190. Chord request for blues
  191. Spark 40 Amp integration
  192. Simple practice logger ?
  193. Speak the chord changes
  194. Save/Reset Playlist Order
  195. Exporting search results
  196. Magic Keyboard for iPad Pro 5th Gen Volume Up/Down Arrow Keys
  197. Visualizing Chord Diagrams for next measure
  198. Map Harmony Tonal
  199. Why Can’t Piano Be Available For Every Musical Style?
  200. Separate Color for Alternate Chords
  201. Block Chords track with MIDI Export
  202. Exclusive area for finding Method books
  203. Option to 'omit' a chord tone
  204. Play together
  205. Add keyboard ans shortcuts support on Android version
  206. Font size changing
  207. Blink "Repeat" sign when part is going to be repeated.
  208. On Edit mode, add a "Test"
  209. Fonts: Default vs. Handwriting
  210. Option to transpose down
  211. Bass Plays Chord Roots Only?
  212. Bigger area: Ability to purchase tracks from fellow musicians
  213. Boogie Woogie Style
  214. Structural Search - Find Songs Like Selection
  215. Custom Drum Samples & Patterns
  216. Practice: slow down option
  217. Add locrian/altered diminished scales
  218. One more instrument key for transposition
  219. More jazz guitar options
  220. PDF Colors
  221. "Satisfaction" snare
  222. MacOS version - Feature to zoom in the score
  223. Repeat measure counts (2/12)
  224. Need ø11 or ø add11
  225. Double time option
  226. Line spacing and font size
  227. Pan function for Count in & a panable click track.
  228. Odd meters
  229. Eighth note chords for slow songs
  230. Changing title/bmp/key/name after saved changes the style
  231. Chord req: minor 13
  232. Need E# and B# to be valid as bass notes
  233. Overall Volume For Mixer
  234. Save a song with just title and key
  235. New style to arpeggiate chords?
  236. Playing root, chord, then hip notes lke the 9.
  237. Drumbeat Rest
  238. Changing between time signatures
  239. Increase maximum tempo to 400+ bpm
  240. Lower case song title
  241. THE UPGRADE ? Will it happen?
  242. Setlist Placeholders
  243. Midi drum
  244. Know whether a song is used in any playlist(s)
  245. playlist specific keys
  246. Additional Transposing Instruments
  247. Length of songs / playlists
  248. Showing Voice Leading in Changes
  249. URL scheme
  250. Playlists request