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  1. Importing mp3 backing traks into library Android tablet user (1 replies)
  2. Mirror screen to large screen TV (1 replies)
  3. Noisy beep when Start, Pause, or End a song (0 replies)
  4. Screen format (1 replies)
  5. Multiple Android computers (1 replies)
  6. Sharing iRealPro file from iOS to Android? (1 replies)
  7. I need help with reading iReal pro charts - new to iReal (1 replies)
  8. bug reports … "Relay access denied"? (1 replies)
  9. Best “Dixieland” style? (1 replies)
  10. Playing parts of a tune (1 replies)
  11. Change song length (1 replies)
  12. petrro1 charts (1 replies)
  13. Chart size too big in emulator (5 replies)
  14. kdpaynter charts (2 replies)
  15. How to open files with iReal Pro Windows (Android) version? (2 replies)
  16. Can anyone explain Amazon App Store issue? (1 replies)
  17. Edited database is not really being saved. (0 replies)
  18. Error: "application not installed" (1 replies)
  19. add themed icon for android app (5 replies)
  20. App functionality with the MicroG suite / aurora store (2 replies)
  21. Is it possible to transfer iReal pro to a new phone? (1 replies)
  22. odd bug - sent to Lock screen when starting song (2 replies)
  23. Export Audio with Speed Trainer (1 replies)
  24. iReal PRO - Problems in Windows 10 with Bluestacks (2 replies)
  25. Conservatoire (1 replies)
  26. Wanna buy Blues and Salsa Styles but it doesn't work (3 replies)
  27. how do I upload a playlist? (1 replies)
  28. shopping styles (1 replies)
  29. Musical Notes Symbols Template for iReal Mobile app (0 replies)
  30. instalar ireal pro en más dispositivos (1 replies)
  31. Windows PC - Can’t View Charts (1 replies)
  32. Installation in other device (2 replies)
  33. Reinstall iRealPro in my new phonme (2 replies)
  34. App stops playing after switching to another tab (0 replies)
  35. Is it possible to reinstall iReal Pro on my old Samsung tablett? Android 4.2.2 (2 replies)
  36. cursor not synced with chord played (3 replies)
  37. Avoid double beat at barlines (2 replies)
  38. Having an option to display interactive chord diagrams (3 replies)
  39. Wanted to know if this is the right App for my needs (1 replies)
  40. Come back to the last playlist and song please (0 replies)
  41. Ples, never remor "Start Stop" bar... (8 replies)
  42. Getting This Error Code (windows 10) (3 replies)
  43. Styles different in Blues list and Last Imported (0 replies)
  44. If a clic on the mixer crashes the app (one chance here ?) (0 replies)
  45. Cant add jazz songs (1 replies)
  46. My original exercise keeps crashing. (5 replies)
  47. how To transfer backup from computer to phone? (8 replies)
  48. Delete playlist (3 replies)
  49. several chord symbols in one measure (1 replies)
  50. iRig Blue Turn (3 replies)
  51. Slow Down For practice but retain original tempo (2 replies)
  52. Buy For a friend (1 replies)
  53. How to loop? (On PC) (1 replies)
  54. how to access songs (1 replies)
  55. "Jazz 1400" and "Pop 400" import wont run on Android (due to URL length ?) (1 replies)
  56. tablet recommendations (2 replies)
  57. Style changes. “Swing Two/Four” without Four? (4 replies)
  58. How to write BbmMaj7 chord? (3 replies)
  59. Hide player controls? (2 replies)
  60. Copy & paste from one chart to another no longer possible (0 replies)
  61. Change instruments per song rather than per style (1 replies)
  62. Win 11 (2 replies)
  63. Old apk for iReal Pro v7 (0 replies)
  64. New free update 2021.8 - new and improved editor (2 replies)
  65. Tablet stand for live gigs (5 replies)
  66. The Mixer does not work. (1 replies)
  67. What is the best strategy for keeping android devices "synched" (Solved) (5 replies)
  68. How to mark a post "Solved" (2 replies)
  69. How to delete a playlist. (Solved) (8 replies)
  70. IRealpro extra styles on new phone? (1 replies)
  71. Android versions (1 replies)
  72. Trouble with audio export in windows emulators (1 replies)
  73. Windows 11 playing Android Apps (5 replies)
  74. migrate / export just one library to new device (2 replies)
  75. Difficulty exporting audio (1 replies)
  76. Transposing... (1 replies)
  77. UI improvements 2021-... (1 replies)
  78. Change chart key from Major to Minor? (6 replies)
  79. Restore iReal backup (7 replies)
  80. Latin/Swing style question (4 replies)
  81. Angled Chart Display? (1 replies)
  82. Cannot send bug reports: e-mail server issue (2 replies)
  83. Exporting iReal Format files using BlueStacks (9 replies)
  84. Change password (1 replies)
  85. Playback position marker not in sync (1 replies)
  86. It stops after the first measure (1 replies)
  87. New update drum fills (1 replies)
  88. Moving to new kindle fire (6 replies)
  89. Bluetooth Stutter (1 replies)
  90. Mac to Windows export issue (1 replies)
  91. e-ink tablets (0 replies)
  92. Download whole database? (research project) (5 replies)
  93. Problem with sharing ios to android (1 replies)
  94. Updates (1 replies)
  95. Wrong Key for song? (10 replies)
  96. Is it possible to export the .wav audio for multiple songs at a time? (5 replies)
  97. Can't swipe to highlight specific bars - android (2 replies)
  98. scrcpy 1.14 is a good option to remotely control and display your Android device (3 replies)
  99. How do I remove D.C. Al coda at the end of a tune? (3 replies)
  100. Infinite Loop on Entire Song (1 replies)
  101. How to play a playlist - Newbie (5 replies)
  102. Import drum pattern? (1 replies)
  103. Android <> i-Device (4 replies)
  104. Keyboard Controls (2 replies)
  105. Sync iReal Pro Android with iCloud (3 replies)
  106. Song End (2 replies)
  107. How to create a chart in an external editor? (3 replies)
  108. New Licence for Android if I already have iOS? (1 replies)
  109. Changing transposing instument key (1 replies)
  110. How to print a list of tunes in a playlist? (4 replies)
  111. How to add coda (0 replies)
  112. Search function > much slower with the last updates (1 replies)
  113. Importing non-iRp material into iRp ? (3 replies)
  114. Aktuelle version (Current Version)? (1 replies)
  115. Save link to clipboard? (1 replies)
  116. Bluestacks wants me to pay for Irealpro again? (14 replies)
  117. No mixer on Oneplus (3 replies)
  118. Android Tablet (new Galaxy Tab) editor - screenshot? (3 replies)
  119. Musical scales - chord scales (2 replies)
  120. File Backup - How to do? (3 replies)
  121. Audio Crackle / Distortion after update (14 replies)
  122. Questions about iRP native files location and naming (4 replies)
  123. Audio glitch or stuttering (5 replies)
  124. Transfer my library from ios/iPad to Android (5 replies)
  125. Unable to access Forums through app (3 replies)
  126. D.C. al Coda (3 replies)
  127. Some songs from forum playlists do not appear on main song list (4 replies)
  128. Cuocciu d'amuri - Analfino (1 replies)
  129. Last version not compatible with Jelly Bean (1 replies)
  130. No hold on last note (2 replies)
  131. transfering my own song when I reset my phone (2 replies)
  132. Transferring iRp files in android on a PC (7 replies)
  133. Re-registering IReal Pro after device reset (3 replies)
  134. Surlignage des accords (1 replies)
  135. Rewind a little during play? (3 replies)
  136. 3 repeats (15 replies)
  137. Ending on first beat, then stop? (3 replies)
  138. website not available (7 replies)
  139. Importing files from iPhone to android (3 replies)
  140. Where to find D.S. Choices? (1 replies)
  141. Gift IrealPro App to an android friend (1 replies)
  142. Practicality of big Hannspree Android tablets (2 replies)
  143. Do I need to pay for Android if I have the iOS app? (2 replies)
  144. Using iReal pro offline? (3 replies)
  145. buy (Blues) styles pack? (5 replies)
  146. Problem with Backup on Android device (6 replies)
  147. Bluetooth not working (5 replies)
  148. Mixer: instrument types lacking in some styles? (7 replies)
  149. Setting default speed of my own new song? (5 replies)
  150. dashes before start of song: What meaning? How turn them off? (2 replies)
  151. How to repeat the da capo bars? (1 replies)
  152. Delete single song? (from a playlist) (7 replies)
  153. Is iReal still for sale? (2 replies)
  154. Tutorial for how to search this site? (1 replies)
  155. Playback at wrong pitch (3 replies)
  156. Alternative chords (1 replies)
  157. New song - how to limit the # of bars per line - or enter a NEWLINE (1 replies)
  158. No Forum in BlueStacks (1 replies)
  159. App Updates with Bluestacks? (3 replies)
  160. What are the differences between Android and Apple versions (8 replies)
  161. Automatic adjusting of bar width when full of chords? (1 replies)
  162. Can we copy/paste a part of a song ? (1 replies)
  163. Feature suggestion - split screen (for android) (0 replies)
  164. Help!! My Songs are gone! (1 replies)
  165. Reorder songs in playlist (4 replies)
  166. iRPro in several devices (3 replies)
  167. Playing is erratic and jerky, stuttering on bluetooth (5 replies)
  168. Count in?? (5 replies)
  169. Song chords don't match the key (1 replies)
  170. can t find the search function into personal playlist (3 replies)
  171. Cmaj7add9 ??? (5 replies)
  172. Create new song from an existing song (1 replies)
  173. Create new drum beats (1 replies)
  174. Print Set list? (4 replies)
  175. Anyone else having a Blue Stacks automatic transposition problem? (1 replies)
  176. Reverb mix always starts dry (0 replies)
  177. Going back to the previous version...? (2 replies)
  178. Restore in bluestacks? (4 replies)
  179. Number of choruses (0 replies)
  180. Ver. 8 / How to: change tempo, change instruments? (5 replies)
  181. V8.0.0 player does not start (0 replies)
  182. V8.0.0 player does not start (3 replies)
  183. Uploading songs from PC to the forum (14 replies)
  184. Phone says I don't own iRealPro (1 replies)
  185. How I can upload new song? (1 replies)
  186. Importing a playlist from Google Drive (1 replies)
  187. Entering Repeat Signs, new styles? (0 replies)
  188. Why is there no "to coda" text option? (4 replies)
  189. Is it possible/practical to run iReal pro on a Chromebook? (6 replies)
  190. Transfer songs or playlists between devices (1 replies)
  191. How to save midi files (2 replies)
  192. Samsung - Galaxy View - 18.4" (0 replies)
  193. Ireal only with google play (2 replies)
  194. Kindle Fire (1 replies)
  195. Looping sections of a song using iRealPro in the BlueStacks android emulator (2 replies)
  196. How to change key label without transposing (1 replies)
  197. Import songs? (1 replies)
  198. How to delete one of multiple time signatures (5 replies)
  199. Liste im pdf-Format abspeichern (3 replies)
  200. Coda and DC question (0 replies)
  201. Ending a song with a single barline (1 replies)
  202. Entering partially diminished symbol (5 replies)
  203. Is there a way to force a PDF to be generated in portrait mode? (3 replies)
  204. incoming calls and iRealPro player (1 replies)
  205. Music Lagging from S6 to Bose bluetooth speaker (1 replies)
  206. Learning simple improvisation (4 replies)
  207. Android to mac (2 replies)
  208. Uploading PDF and word docs (1 replies)
  209. Help - "Songs" button missing in menu (2 replies)
  210. From Google Drive to iReal on Android phone (9 replies)
  211. Audio Lag when playing through Bluetooth Speakers (17 replies)
  212. end button behaviour (1 replies)
  213. wireless speakers problem (4 replies)
  214. acquisire brani (1 replies)
  215. Editor mode (1 replies)
  216. iRealB playing back a whole tone higher than the written chord changes in Bluestacks (1 replies)
  217. Drum loops (1 replies)
  218. Airturn for IrealPro on Tablet android (1 replies)
  219. Discrepancies in image export (2 replies)
  220. Discrepancies in font usage (0 replies)
  221. Add to playlist issue (6 replies)
  222. App crash when import from Dropbox (1 replies)
  223. Canot read/load IRealPro file from Dropbox to my android (3 replies)
  224. Restoring Dropbox Backup to LG G2 (1 replies)
  225. Buy irealb again on new tablet ?? (6 replies)
  226. problem with playing my version of Rio (3 replies)
  227. how to copy a bar ? (2 replies)
  228. Problem purchasing app on PC with Bluestacks (1 replies)
  229. Help using the editor (1 replies)
  230. pop ups (2 replies)
  231. Blank screen after download (1 replies)
  232. lyrics And music (1 replies)
  233. Playing with bluetooth speakers (4 replies)
  234. Full width chart on tablet landscape display ? (13 replies)
  235. I real pro + irig2 (1 replies)
  236. Problem for download songs.... (1 replies)
  237. Works on my phone but not on my computer (1 replies)
  238. Need help with editor (12 replies)
  239. Trouble importing playlists (0 replies)
  240. Trouble importing playlist (2 replies)
  241. is there an undo in the editor? (1 replies)
  242. how to get my arrangement back? (4 replies)
  243. Composer firstname lastname swap (0 replies)
  244. how can I add comments to songs? (7 replies)
  245. how to import playlists? (5 replies)
  246. How to import songs? (1 replies)
  247. restarting a loop for practising (4 replies)
  248. different styles in one song (3 replies)
  249. maximum number of bars (4 replies)
  250. sound level (1 replies)