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  1. ReInstall iReal Pro after Resetting Phone. (8 replies)
  2. Suggestions for buying an Andriod tablet (10 replies)
  3. Tips fo new android app developers? (1 replies)
  4. iRealPro new/replacement device (2 replies)
  5. How do I designate a non-player style? (2 replies)
  6. How do you play playlists? (2 replies)
  7. Slash Chords on Android CellPhone (2 replies)
  8. How to remove songs from playlists? (1 replies)
  9. Problem downloading jazz 1300 (7 replies)
  10. Jazz 1300 for android (1 replies)
  11. Application for iPad and Android (1 replies)
  12. ritard in iReal Pro? is it possible? (6 replies)
  13. Can we enter lyric below the chords in iReal Pro ? (5 replies)
  14. is there any manual for iReal Pro ? (1 replies)
  15. How do I get a song to play in 3/4 time or waltz style (3 replies)
  16. loop just one chord (1 replies)
  17. extra jazz styles? (Just ensure your app is updated) (24 replies)
  18. DuOS Android emulator for Windows 7&8 (3 replies)
  19. Where are the ii-V7-I in all keys for android? (2 replies)
  20. [possible bug] Impossible to insert free text (5 replies)
  21. License error by android without google apps (3 replies)
  22. Drums only (4 replies)
  23. Editor silently truncates songs (6 replies)
  24. Posting songs to forum (1 replies)
  25. cambio de teléfono (Replacement phone) (5 replies)
  26. How to delete exported audio from Android (Nexus 5 / Lollipop) ? (1 replies)
  27. stops, cesaura, ? thanks in advance (2 replies)
  28. New styles (5 replies)
  29. Guitar chords displayed during playback? (5 replies)
  30. removing and reinstalling ireal pro (0 replies)
  31. Blackberry 10 support (1 replies)
  32. I transpose a Song-Set & Transpose Not Displaying New Key (8 replies)
  33. Newbie question speeding up (1 replies)
  34. Feature Request: Alphabet Letter Fast Links on right hand side like IOS version (1 replies)
  35. force always into portrait screen mode (7 replies)
  36. Feature Request regarding "Playlists" section (2 replies)
  37. final time (0 replies)
  38. iReal Pro Android bug... (1 replies)
  39. Alignment of sections (2 replies)
  40. Requesting counting in to 3 for external bluetooth speaker (14 replies)
  41. New phone (2 replies)
  42. Can't figure out how to make program play lead break.(ABBBAB) (2 replies)
  43. More Gypsy Jazz Styles? (8 replies)
  44. New Songs Not Found By Search Engine (1 replies)
  45. translation (6 replies)
  46. Update iReal Pro features for app comparison (3 replies)
  47. Backward compatibility issues (1 replies)
  48. [Galaxy Note] Playlist transposition not saved (0 replies)
  49. Rests ?? (1 replies)
  50. Problems with the delete (aka rub-out) button (1 replies)
  51. DS from repeated measures (6 replies)
  52. Is there a tutorial or manual that explains every button in the editor? (4 replies)
  53. How can I end playback on the third beat of the last bar? (5 replies)
  54. I need a Tablet to get this app? (1 replies)
  55. Chord variation in editor? (2 replies)
  56. Any chance of getting the old piano sound back? (2 replies)
  57. Ideal Screen Dimensions for Tablet? (6 replies)
  58. Aposento (0 replies)
  59. changing margins for printing. (1 replies)
  60. Repeat multiple measures (1 replies)
  61. I need to move iReal Pro from a Nook to a Kindle Fire (0 replies)
  62. Transfer songs and playlists without internet (3 replies)
  63. New styles (12 replies)
  64. Device not compatible since ... iReal Pro V6 ! (1 replies)
  65. Posting song to forum (6 replies)
  66. expanding song sheet (1 replies)
  67. user interface wish list (0 replies)
  68. Bug report - Playlist editing crash (2 replies)
  69. favorites folder? (2 replies)
  70. Cant download charts (1 replies)
  71. New Style on FB (0 replies)
  72. click track on count-off? (2 replies)
  73. Editor, trouble with repeats. (1 replies)
  74. Can I listen to the click during entire playback? (4 replies)
  75. error 24 trying to install (7 replies)
  76. Freddie Green style (7 replies)
  77. consideting buying add-ons, pictures? (3 replies)
  78. How to edit title & composer (2 replies)
  79. I cant see the chords only the number of grade (1 replies)
  80. Less jazzy blues style? (2 replies)
  81. Difficulty Downloading iRealPro on PC (15 replies)
  82. Chart with virtual piano missing on android app ? (available on IOS) (3 replies)
  83. Problem Opening Playlist From Email (5 replies)
  84. deleting (1 replies)
  85. recommend an app for chord/lyric sheets with playlist option (4 replies)
  86. Feature Request: Additional Data like URL of a song (0 replies)
  87. Which android phone to buy ? (7 replies)
  88. Which style for a song like "Looking up" from Dave Holland ? (0 replies)
  89. song words (2 replies)
  90. diagram during playback? (1 replies)
  91. Pedal tones in the Player (6 replies)
  92. Backup not working? (5 replies)
  93. Adding an intro (1 replies)
  94. I need some help with the new Android editor (6 replies)
  95. picture in inversion chord (0 replies)
  96. How to turn a song that you want to learn to play into an iReal Chart (1 replies)
  97. backup/restore without Internet (Android) (3 replies)
  98. How do I limit the bars per line in the editor? (18 replies)
  99. DS al coda (2 replies)
  100. How to delete text above the chord? (2 replies)
  101. number of measures in a song (4 replies)
  102. Editor Text Input Query (7 replies)
  103. just got Bluestack app for PC need to sync w phone app. phone (3 replies)
  104. Cannot view song charts (3 replies)
  105. Guitar sound (1 replies)
  106. Global transposition in B please (3 replies)
  107. "File not readable" error (5 replies)
  108. sauvegrde [backup] (1 replies)
  109. Mixer Settings (0 replies)
  110. pausing or looping a measure (6 replies)
  111. songs in playlist (1 replies)
  112. minor 7th sharpened 5 (1 replies)
  113. Editor save issue (7 replies)
  114. how to import a Backup I´ve made (3 replies)
  115. What Chord for Phrygian mode? (2 replies)
  116. Transposing instruments (2 replies)
  117. melody track ? (8 replies)
  118. BlueStacks (2 replies)
  119. Searching for songs within a long thread (5 replies)
  120. Update for recording while playing iReal (0 replies)
  121. all songs have the ¨jazz-medium upswing¨-style (1 replies)
  122. Chord Scale addon: Tapping chord scale to select alternate scale does not work (1 replies)
  123. "Chords and Scales" issue (10 replies)
  124. A question about the scales add-on: Bass clef? (1 replies)
  125. playlist problem (3 replies)
  126. Deleting from a Playlist (1 replies)
  127. custom bass line (4 replies)
  128. Mac editor to Android (0 replies)
  129. Trouble posting songs from Kindle (2 replies)
  130. Quick Question about BlueStacks (2 replies)
  131. Print Share crop (0 replies)
  132. Why aren't there scales or keyboard? (1 replies)
  133. loud audio thump (1 replies)
  134. jazz standards download instructions? (1 replies)
  135. Editor hanging on TF-101 (3 replies)
  136. Why does my Android iReal b sound like cheesy MIDI compared to the iPad version? (10 replies)
  137. still getting odd problems with ds coda (4 replies)
  138. Esportazione in audio come mp3/waw ecc exporting audio (0 replies)
  139. Download 50 Exercises? (3 replies)
  140. Help for App choice (1 replies)
  141. How to put duplicate songs in a playlist? (7 replies)
  142. How to delete songs from playlist? (2 replies)
  143. Amazon Appstore Issue (12 replies)
  144. where did forum search go. (3 replies)
  145. Forma ABACA (24+16+32) (2 replies)
  146. no longer plays (6 replies)
  147. how to make modal sounding bass?? (2 replies)
  148. Android Editor (2 replies)
  149. Exporting playlists (1 replies)
  150. Multiple Tablets (2 replies)
  151. Import external playlist (not in iRealb format)? (0 replies)
  152. title obscures chords on emailed jpeg (1 replies)
  153. problema trasposizione tonalità (6 replies)
  154. Chord symbols (11 replies)
  155. Test purchase?? (1 replies)
  156. newbie with sound problem (2 replies)
  157. Posts from tablet to forum: where do charts go? Advanced search does not find any! (3 replies)
  158. Trouble getting Playlist downloaded from GMAIL (2 replies)
  159. Android and IOS Playalong Styles (1 replies)
  160. online instruction manual not opening (7 replies)
  161. Real Newbie: iOS and Android file sharing? (1 replies)
  162. How to get Latest Version of iReal pro? (2 replies)
  163. deep backup (2 replies)
  164. Can not download 1300 jazz songs... (2 replies)
  165. chords and scales for android (5 replies)
  166. Thinking of purchasing this app and have a couple questions (2 replies)
  167. My Android phone was reset - Lost App (1 replies)
  168. Data File Format (1 replies)
  169. Transfer iRb from one Android device to another (2 replies)
  170. App restore? (2 replies)
  171. Annoying bugs and features (0 replies)
  172. samsung galaxy tab 10 does not work help (3 replies)
  173. Pop Styles Pack (2 replies)
  174. ireal-b-web-editor-discontinued (2 replies)
  175. How can I use many chords in the same compass/measure? (2 replies)
  176. AndroidUpdate--Conliflicting with BackingTracks (3 replies)
  177. alternate chords (11 replies)
  178. dal segno (D.S. al 3rd) doesn't work (1 replies)
  179. Gm7#5 chord ? (3 replies)
  180. Running iReal b on a Nook color under Android (2 replies)
  181. import large playlist with html (1 replies)
  182. Transpose menu no longer available on Samsung Galaxy SIII (2 replies)
  183. Sound issues after JellyBean 4.1.2 update (3 replies)
  184. synching two or more tablets? (Android sync) (15 replies)
  185. Song Composition Return Button? (1 replies)
  186. song list indexing issue (3 replies)
  187. Styles for folk music (1 replies)
  188. Playlists disappeared! (36 replies)
  189. irealbook automatically changes key (1 replies)
  190. Upload charts from pics? (1 replies)
  191. dissapearing counter in upper left of chart (4 replies)
  192. ireal B on samsung galaxy tab 8.9 (1 replies)
  193. uploading chord files (2 replies)
  194. Please recommend an older, large screen Android phone for Verizon (1 replies)
  195. swapping with other app (8 replies)
  196. how to write cycle exercise? (3 replies)
  197. iOS vs Android version (0 replies)
  198. Ad hoc networking of multiple devices (10 replies)
  199. Copy and Paste in Song Editor (3 replies)
  200. Android - Guitar Chords additional features (10 replies)
  201. transpose button (3 replies)
  202. Chord placement for timing... ??? (3 replies)
  203. transfer android app to additional android device? (2 replies)
  204. Ireal b in Spanish language? (1 replies)
  205. Sending Play List to Samsung Galaxy S11 (3 replies)
  206. Short Demo/Tutorial on using iReal Pro with BlueStacks (PC Android Emulator) & REAPER (3 replies)
  207. Cannot download (1 replies)
  208. How do I download songs to my Ipod? (0 replies)
  209. Alternate method for transferring songs/playlists with phone upgrade (1 replies)
  210. Can I use the Mac app on android? (1 replies)
  211. key in playlist not preserved via email mac(irb v2.5.1) --> Android (irb v1.6) (1 replies)
  212. transfer app from phone to tablet? (1 replies)
  213. Highlighter is off by one bar on the playback music (1 replies)
  214. Permission "read phone status and identity"? (2 replies)
  215. Can't download playlist for my kindle fire (11 replies)
  216. Any plans for a Dixie/Trad jazz player style? (13 replies)
  217. how to delete several hundred charts but leave others (2 replies)
  218. Problems with bluestacks (3 replies)
  219. AirPlay on Android? (0 replies)
  220. Empty JPG image attachment to Kindle Fire email (13 replies)
  221. Just bought this great app (iReal b)... (0 replies)
  222. Restore Exercise Charts ? (3 replies)
  223. remote control to step onto next song for android? (2 replies)
  224. My playlist is suddenly empty?!!!!! (1 replies)
  225. melodies? (5 replies)
  226. Importing the same songs more than once (1 replies)
  227. Playing thru bluetooth speaker/headphones (4 replies)
  228. Future Style Packs (2 replies)
  229. little bug + new feature (alternate chords play) (0 replies)
  230. Edit in Nashville Notation (1 replies)
  231. MusicXML Export Problem (1 replies)
  232. Can't I just use my PC? (1 replies)
  233. still struggling with D.S etc (2 replies)
  234. charts for bass players (0 replies)
  235. Use iPad edited playlists on Android device (4 replies)
  236. blues pack? (3 replies)
  237. orientation locked to landscape in 1.5.3 on Samsung Galaxy tab (1 replies)
  238. Playback jumps to the wrong place (5 replies)
  239. Titanium Backup? (2 replies)
  240. iReal b für Android - Austausch in Deutsch (5 replies)
  241. viewpad 7 problem (1 replies)
  242. Transmit MIDI? (10 replies)
  243. Bluestacks (13 replies)
  244. searching by letters (3 replies)
  245. No link or attachment showing in mailclient on ASUS tablet (1 replies)
  246. Add on "scales and chords" (1 replies)
  247. Chrome import problem (8 replies)
  248. Android 4 cannot use Android clipboard for posting songs (1 replies)
  249. Conversion / Import from text files (1 replies)
  250. Question about Coda (2 replies)