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  1. iReal Pro crashing on startup
  2. Search Songs not working anymore
  3. How to create sheet music from the chord charts?
  4. Chart edit reviewing
  5. Chord suggestions based on melody line
  6. In-App Editor
  7. missing index for playlist?
  8. help exiting from editor
  9. Import midi
  10. Song repeats from the Intro when it should repeat from A
  11. Please offer some answers to noob questions :)
  12. Putting in stop breaks that hit on the "&" of beat four, for the soloist to come in
  13. How to play a song from a designated place, not from the beginning?
  14. Piano Voicings
  15. adding songs to playlist problem
  16. irealb for ios 6.1.6
  17. Found a way to Playback bass notes only ...
  18. Recording iRealPro Player output with Audiobus and recording app
  19. Changing Chord Name
  20. What is the file format generated by iRealPro?
  21. Change the name of the agreement (accord) without changing the key if song
  22. Chord generator?
  23. V6.0.1 not playing in concert key and where did global transposition setting go?
  24. Phantom 6th in chords!
  25. import tunes into garageband
  26. extra styles
  27. 2-measure repeats: 2 questions
  28. Unwantd Cymbal Crash On First Beat Of Every Song
  29. Buy Rhythm
  30. Problem with DS al Coda
  31. using multiple devices
  32. Worth a laugh, maybe . . . (Fun with iRp editor)
  33. How to change the time signature?
  34. Changing the order of songs in a playlist
  35. too small font on iPhone from last update
  36. Extra Styles : Pay 2 times - 1 for you iPhone and one more time for you iPad !
  37. Guitar Chord Anticipation
  38. Mixer pop up has metronome icon, goes to Count In
  39. Accessing a song
  40. how do I download the songs?
  41. Doesn't play
  42. Edit Song Form
  43. Garageband
  44. Diminished Major 7....
  45. Questions about iPad editor
  46. Airplay stuttering in iReal Pro 6.2
  47. We can no longer copy and paste sharp and flat symbols into text, right?
  48. Lyrics not lining up after last update
  49. for new update
  50. Something Special
  51. problem with random key changes
  52. Chords change on the second time - can't imput the key I whish
  53. Manual for iReal Pro ?
  54. Can't get the "chord chart" to turn off on my pad.
  55. Finger-clickin' count-in?
  56. Can't get out of ukulele chords.
  57. All my guitar chord diagrams are reset when version 6.3 was loaded
  58. Speakers...
  59. E-mail problems
  60. Selecting chord diagrams
  61. Strange notation...
  62. Jazz Tunes (Restore a song from trash)
  63. Real Book Digital Download ?
  64. system resources and IReal Pro
  65. Landscape scrolling issue
  66. How to make a jazz waltz Playback with a light, bouncy feel?
  67. IReal Pro doesn't play back
  68. Sharing Songs With Other Devices
  69. backup/restore without Internet (iOS)
  70. iOS 9.0.1 skipping/stuttering: help!
  71. sharing charts to forums
  72. Internet required? & Landscape?
  73. iOS 9x Text Box Issue
  74. Lost all songs, how do I get them back?
  75. Text too big on iOS 9.1
  76. Ios 9.1?
  77. How to PASTE
  78. Doo Doo Cats "B" style
  79. Chart-style vs playback-style
  80. ipad display rotation locked
  81. iReal pro keeps speeding up!
  82. Embellished Chords
  83. How to edit/change/rename a song title?
  84. Playlists issue
  85. In-App - Ingame Purchases
  86. How to make an empty chord sequence of your own choice?
  87. Chords overlapping on IPhone 6s .
  88. Editor uses four spaces per bar for Waltz-time
  89. no STORE Style Packs visible on iPad Pro iOS9.2, version 6.3.1
  90. Style to play old fashioned tunes in "two?"
  91. Strange jump at bar 12. Bug?
  92. Text bug ?
  93. MusicXML Reader
  94. iReal Pro 7.0 with iOS 9.2.1: Are they compatible?
  95. Playing an MP3 and using chord chart from Ireal
  96. Chord diagrams
  97. Share a wav file????
  98. Problems with first chart
  99. Selecting/copy paste don't work
  100. External microphones for recording
  101. starting over - initialize iRealPro and download new "Jazz 1300 Standards" etc
  102. How to repeat a section?
  103. Another "repeats" question, sorry!
  104. Removing the blue down-arrow
  105. Ireal pro background audio problem while using a midi app simultaneously !!!
  106. chart just disappeared!
  107. #11 chords
  108. Beatles playlist now: contemporary & can't erase.....why?
  109. Comping & Sounds?
  110. Creating Duplicate from Existing Song
  111. Ipad Pro - 12.9"? Anyone using one for IRealPro?
  112. Multiple Repeats with alternate Endings
  113. D.S. Help
  114. parentheses around alternate chords
  115. removing a D.S. symbol
  116. How to keep iReal sync'd on MacBook and iPhone
  117. Permanently saving playlist for others to download
  118. I've been away for a while ...
  119. What notes are in a Minor six chord?
  120. Restore songs from iCloud?
  121. Writing extended (large) chords
  122. 1960s/1970s/Searchers etc
  123. iReal for iPhone 4?
  124. Is it possible to change Page Setup for PDFs to render to 8.5 x 11?
  125. Exporting Music XML
  126. transferring set list on the bandstand without wifi between ipads
  127. The app jams on my iphone
  128. Transposing Chords and player for Bb trumpet
  129. Playing a turnaround chord only on the first time of a repeated section
  130. Can I use iRig Blueboard pedal to control iReal pro?
  131. Can you shrink the font for writing descriptive text?
  132. Turn Off the intro click
  133. How do you import a chart from iReal Pro Mac to iPad/iPhone?
  134. Change Instrument
  135. iREalPro cannot be open
  136. Exceeding 48 measure limit
  137. Coda help
  138. Slowing the tempo
  139. Suspended Chords
  140. Sudden volume low experience
  141. Broken screen iPad backup
  142. Emailing charts and sets freezing iPad
  143. How to download IReal on IPad if bought on Google Playstore
  144. How to add/edit Name/title on chart
  145. Repeat Count
  146. iPad audio interface
  147. Alt chords refused
  148. Volume pedal
  149. username/password for new iPhone
  150. Song Title
  151. Meaning of % Symbol
  152. Showing Chords to be played for transposing Instruments
  153. Whatever Happens - Larry Carlton-Bill Whithers (Request)
  154. Does A Change Of Key/Speed etc. Change The Song In My Songlist?
  155. Where is Bluetooth...?!
  156. Recovering song list from deleted device
  157. Verse-Chorus (V-C) vs. A-B
  158. How to End a Song on Beat 1 with New Chord?
  159. Odd situation multiple iPad merging?
  160. Emailed charts not coming through
  161. Multiple Accompaniment styles in one song?
  162. In europe Update to v.8 can't be found !
  163. update toto v.8 can't be found either
  164. Weird player error
  165. IReal pro crashes as soon as I open it
  166. Back up not working
  167. Magnifying glass no longer works
  168. How do I download The iReal Book backing tracks?
  169. backup and restoral not copying playlist correctly?
  170. Cannot email ANYTHING out of IREAL Pro in ANY format (SOLVED)
  171. Electric Bass Fingering Chords
  172. Saving setting
  173. Looping count
  174. Version number and info on updates?
  175. Shared sound output
  176. Enharmonic nightmare
  177. Dal Segno displaying incorrectly
  178. 96 mesures ?
  179. Pairing my iPhone X to new wireless bluetooth speaker
  180. Not able to import files from email to app.
  181. Song list display
  182. Cuting and pasting bars in a template - entering new song in editor
  183. How to delete song from playlist
  184. Chords displayed don't match the player?
  185. Safari error message for downloads Cannot Open Page
  186. How to recover stuff from trash?
  187. Appending Chord Sheets
  188. Can’t start in any measure any longer? Also, hopping cursor?
  189. Levels inconsistent
  190. notes in chords?
  191. iPad internal volume disabled?
  192. 1/4 Rest added to all exported files ?
  193. Make song dragging and scrolling more distinguishable
  194. Search Function - Not working Properly
  195. piano accomp in Pop-Funk plays strange
  196. Trouble importing playlist from mail app to IRP
  197. Till my baby comes home - Luther vandross (Fail)
  198. style documentation
  199. Can't connect iReal to Apple TV
  200. Using iReal Pro with AUM, and how to start playback outside the app?
  201. Unexpected Tempo increase or key change during playback
  202. Bass Line changes every time I start the track
  203. Amount of measures per line
  204. What is best practice to delete unwanted playlists, w/o losing songs from library?
  205. Player Not starting at selected measure
  206. Tunes disappearing and or reverting to older versions
  207. Vamp and fade
  208. Songs jump out of playlists
  209. Cant share via anything!!!
  210. I cant buy blues rithym
  211. Band form notes (add comments to charts)
  212. Is it worth it to have it also on iOS?
  213. transfer playlists / songs from old ipad
  214. Key change within a chart?
  215. How to Delete Playlist
  216. Need a remote start for my IPad pro
  217. NEED TECH HELP: iRp won't download from cloud
  218. Add Bars or extra page?
  219. Ebsus2 chord
  220. Where to figure out rhythm for a style
  221. Detect and count chord changes for Guitar?
  222. "Set and Transpose" Button
  223. A simple way to do AABAABAB ?
  224. I only hear one chord when creating a tune
  225. Chords with another bass note
  226. How to delete empty playlist on iPad?
  227. How to make Da Capo, Al Signo (D.C. al segno)?
  228. Foot pedal for flipping through songs in playlist on iPad Pro
  229. Incomplete IPAD installation
  230. Problem with Count In delay
  231. Minor Chords (hyphen vs. "m")
  232. Crowded (overlapping) Chord Symbols ?
  233. Why Cadd9 at the end of all songs?
  234. Can sync be corrupted With multiple devices whilst editing?
  235. Install on iPad older version ?
  236. Can you do chords with added notes??
  237. Import PDF's into playlist?
  238. "hard" transpose save not working?
  239. Pageflip bluetooth pedal
  240. How to make C section or Tag before solo only play once
  241. A Little Help for a Self-taught Arranger?
  242. Sharing Playlist?
  243. Exporting/posting charts to forums?
  244. Purchased blues styles in app—where to find?
  245. Bug report for 7+ chord quality
  246. xml export - a "B" in every measure?
  247. Chord spacing driving me crazy!
  248. Drum track variations
  249. Cost for importing tunes?
  250. Airdrop not working