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  1. reset original style and speed
  2. Want to verify my Styles pack purchase
  3. Song Forms (AABA etc)
  4. Must I repurchase styles.
  5. Transfer from Mac OS to iPad
  6. Guitar chord chart display interval of each note
  7. Want to play my Bb instrument while seeing and playing the Eb chart
  8. Any problem with an iphone 4
  9. More measures per line?
  10. Exporting audio as WAV
  11. Exported it as WAV and file dissapeared
  12. What happened to the 50 practice track?
  13. Exporting audio files hogging up storage space
  14. Uninstalled and reinstalled iReal and now I have to re-purchase my styles packs?
  15. Paste
  16. Blues Style?? where ??
  17. total back up
  18. How do you enter an altered chord?
  19. keys, transposition, pitches
  20. No Snare Fills in Pop-Reggae Style iOS
  21. page swipe
  22. Questions re Edit Funcion in creating a new song
  23. Organizing songs, Playlists & Folders, and Importing
  24. option for larger search field
  25. Are there lead sheets or just chord sheets?
  26. Page turning via midi?
  27. Sync songs
  28. Guitar chords won't install
  29. Question about player
  30. Opening a playlist
  31. iRealb for iOS 7
  32. What is the smallest duration?
  33. Hearing chords when selected in the editor?
  34. Export/Import Issues - can we use the computer?
  35. Ipad 2 VS Ipad mini
  36. Anyone MIDIing a sound module in the background while running iRealb?
  37. Creating charts using the Number System
  38. Guitar chords-do I need to purchase for BOTH iPhone and iPad?
  39. Problem uploading to forum with iOS 7?
  40. Chord chart to text[not pdf]
  41. "Repeat Bar Lines" not working as expected
  42. Player and C79 chord?
  43. Adjustments in Osx, sync to ipad or any other device
  44. iphone 5c/5s support
  45. Duplicate files
  46. Music editor
  47. Displaying 2 landscape pages
  48. Search by composer
  49. the all new iRealb Pro 5.0 comments?
  50. Transposition not working in iReal Pro?
  51. Looping?
  52. Who's to thank for the fantastic bass comping?
  53. Expanding on 2 page song pages landscape
  54. Why do we need to register in the app?
  55. Please add guitar tablature to chord scales
  56. Written-out rules for Editor features?
  57. How to export Audio in iReal Pro?
  58. Transposition
  59. Print and send options
  60. Making new list or adding to a song list
  61. Problem with guitar chord download. Help.
  62. Having Some issues with iphone in horizontal position, and chords overlapping.
  63. Forum reader bug
  64. Cool app, but frustrated
  65. Transferring a playlist from iPad to iPhone
  66. Odd behaviors in iReal Pro for iOS7.
  67. Style and Tempo Changes
  68. Playback has Static and Warble
  69. Changing Time Signature
  70. Triplets
  71. Adding lyrics directly to iReal Pro charts
  72. Problem purchasing styles pack [OLD INFO no longer valid]
  73. importation du forum ne fonctionne pas
  74. 1st & 2nd ending alignment
  75. Sorry, but I hate the iReal Pro interface for iPhone (iOS 6.1.3)
  76. Enable Autolock?
  77. Emailing Songs
  78. Song archive won't import
  79. Ballad 4/4, Bolero rhythms ?
  80. layout for song in 9/8
  81. An iReal Pro Text mode bonus
  82. bass notes in jazzstyle
  83. Syncing Libraries...via playlist??
  84. IOS 7, iReal Pro and Alesis IO Dock
  85. Emailing the entire library
  86. Playing tracks
  87. Problem with Apogee Duet on Ipad
  88. This song has a phantom key change
  89. Two icons after upgrade
  90. (CLOSED) How to add a 13th line (system) to a chord chart.
  91. Transferring purchases from iPad to iPod
  92. Transposing to the Nashville Number System
  93. Need help with an AABBB arrangement, please.
  94. Having trouble sending an iReal Pro chart from my iPhone to my Mac,
  95. Thread for discussion about using iReal Pro for iOS7 for performances.
  96. Request your assistance to find being equivalent for PC
  97. Posting single songs to forum?
  98. Short Chart only printing in Landscape mode
  99. Melody guides...what do you think?
  100. Saving the Progressions to text.
  101. Search by composer
  102. Minor 7b13 Chord???
  103. playing along on a gig
  104. "Number" chord charts
  105. Automatic next song on play list
  106. Download problem
  107. "Chords" vs. "Symbols" ??
  108. Transferring songs between IOS and Android
  109. Iphone to Ipad
  110. Guitar chords don't load
  111. Export piano chords for an entire song
  112. Phone plays last song in Music app instead of one in iReal Pro -SOLVED
  113. UX - Count in Roulette
  114. Question for the lyrics gurus among you
  115. Revealing iRealPro song downloads in Finder
  116. S & N over chords (small/normal chord-font)
  117. guitar sounds
  118. Backup >emailed> wouldn't open
  119. Stop time?
  120. Tempo doesn't work
  121. Backing Up Changes Made In Ireal Book
  122. Using D.C. al Coda ?
  123. Major 7 augmented; Dominant 7 augmented
  124. Transposing and editing
  125. Intermittent but persistent crash
  126. Audiobus compatibility
  127. Basic triad question, please.
  128. iReal Pro and Focusrite 2i4 playback Stutter
  129. Chords disappeared "Black-Screen Syndrome"?
  130. All songs play in the same tempo and same style
  131. More than one device
  132. iReal Pro Mixer
  133. Backup
  134. Player tempo problem
  135. A couple of temporary bugs after downloading iOS Pro update
  136. Audio Spluttering
  137. Selecting correct key
  138. iReal Pro: iOS7 vs. OS-X versions?
  139. Piano chord and scales
  140. Add piano chords
  141. Importing crash
  142. Set number of Chorus'es. Reverts
  143. Playback rushes
  144. Bluetooth and IOS7.1
  145. Guitar in the mixer
  146. How can i choose chord inversion to display?
  147. Hello from Dominican Republic
  148. Tapping on screen to play a tune or part of a tune
  149. min7b5 vs. dim7th Chords and Scales
  150. Intro and Ending for my jazz songs
  151. Writing minor 7 flat 6 chords
  152. My contribution to understanding the Editor tool
  153. ONE BIG question to understand circulation….
  154. Can ´t upgrade
  155. Left-handed chord diagrams?
  156. Mac Os X Styles
  157. Setting/changing default Language
  158. Screen
  159. Special chords - How to write them?
  160. dynamic style tempo changes in chart
  161. Sometimes piano chord font doesn't show
  162. Where is the documentation for the song editor?
  163. Restore playlists
  164. Gotta ask: re turning a page by swiping . . .
  165. Guitar chords library
  166. Print margins
  167. backward chord diagrams
  168. Audiobus - pitch shifting
  169. How to add page 2?
  170. Audio interface - low CPU mode
  171. Guitar chord display bug...
  172. what's the secret finger technique (iPad) for freezing a measure?
  173. iPhone 5S?
  174. Composition in more pages
  175. Ad lib repeating section
  176. Displayed guitar chords and player chords are different voicings
  177. How to enter C7M(#9)
  178. How to Print PlayList PDF
  179. Chords in incorrect or wrong place
  180. Download real books
  181. No Sound: Help a new user
  182. Using ireal in DAW
  183. Deleted Songs Restored on full startup
  184. Transferring Ireal files between Devices?
  185. Lyrics
  186. How to import a chart from IrealB on Computer to IRealb on Ipod
  187. some advice on how it works
  188. How to dial down drums in playback?
  189. MIDI file transfer iPad to PC no longer avaiable
  190. Wrong chord displayed in guitar font
  191. Playback position indicator freezes
  192. Sharp key
  193. Alternate method for limited text entry
  194. iOS 8
  195. iReal with Garage Band
  196. Changing from Apple iOS to Google Android
  197. Printing! Change orientation.
  198. Playing through stereo
  199. From IRealB to IReal Pro
  200. Question re Transposition
  201. very low volume IOS 8
  202. Tune switches key after time through
  203. Version 6.0 for iOS has been released
  204. Is it possible to write a melody line on top of an existing chart?
  205. IRealPro not working after $5.00 addition to settings
  206. semibreve rest
  207. I'm Stuck in Edit Mode -- can't save and close
  208. iReal Pro to OnSong?
  209. How to change chord symbols?
  210. Exporting MIDI--especially drums
  211. iReal Style Co-operative..?
  212. Feature Request -- floating text window on top of scores, alpha blending
  213. Count-in click unusable on external speaker in iReal Pro 6
  214. possible email problem/bug?
  215. How to delete a style description from Edit-Info?
  216. How to write down diminished chord
  217. What alteration does "alt" produce in Playback?
  218. Forums won't open
  219. Newbie
  220. Anticipation in IOS 8
  221. App crashes on init
  222. Playback adds strange unfinished a section in AABA tunes. Anyone know how to resolve?
  223. Son Montuno styles wonky
  224. 2 sets of repeats . in loop, the second one doesn't repeat .
  225. I want to repeat something 5x
  226. Playing style for 1st 2 choruses
  227. Problem with the scrolling during Playback in landscape mode
  228. smaller font ?
  229. Emoji's on charts are NOT supported
  230. No sound output on iPad 2 IO Dock
  231. How can I tell when to sing first note?
  232. Drum sound stuck
  233. variations, fills and endings....
  234. Playlist playing hide 'n' seek with me.
  235. Connection to GarageBand
  236. Rouge key signatures
  237. Simple chord progression?
  238. How to enter chords as a Bb trumpet player
  239. Preview Chords
  240. How post a Playlist without also posting "individual songs"?
  241. Inserting intro
  242. midi not usable
  243. Cannot email pdfs of chord charts
  244. Drops a half step on each repeat
  245. Is there an iReal Pro version for First generation iPad running iOS V. 5.1.1?????
  246. Chord inversions/figured bass
  247. playlist lacks alpabetical navigator
  248. Need advice with a problem measure.
  249. Trouble entering chords since last update(s)??
  250. Forum signature question.