- reset original style and speed
- Want to verify my Styles pack purchase
- Song Forms (AABA etc)
- Must I repurchase styles.
- Transfer from Mac OS to iPad
- Guitar chord chart display interval of each note
- Want to play my Bb instrument while seeing and playing the Eb chart
- Any problem with an iphone 4
- More measures per line?
- Exporting audio as WAV
- Exported it as WAV and file dissapeared
- What happened to the 50 practice track?
- Exporting audio files hogging up storage space
- Uninstalled and reinstalled iReal and now I have to re-purchase my styles packs?
- Paste
- Blues Style?? where ??
- total back up
- How do you enter an altered chord?
- keys, transposition, pitches
- No Snare Fills in Pop-Reggae Style iOS
- page swipe
- Questions re Edit Funcion in creating a new song
- Organizing songs, Playlists & Folders, and Importing
- option for larger search field
- Are there lead sheets or just chord sheets?
- Page turning via midi?
- Sync songs
- Guitar chords won't install
- Question about player
- Opening a playlist
- iRealb for iOS 7
- What is the smallest duration?
- Hearing chords when selected in the editor?
- Export/Import Issues - can we use the computer?
- Ipad 2 VS Ipad mini
- Anyone MIDIing a sound module in the background while running iRealb?
- Creating charts using the Number System
- Guitar chords-do I need to purchase for BOTH iPhone and iPad?
- Problem uploading to forum with iOS 7?
- Chord chart to text[not pdf]
- "Repeat Bar Lines" not working as expected
- Player and C79 chord?
- Adjustments in Osx, sync to ipad or any other device
- iphone 5c/5s support
- Duplicate files
- Music editor
- Displaying 2 landscape pages
- Search by composer
- the all new iRealb Pro 5.0 comments?
- Transposition not working in iReal Pro?
- Looping?
- Who's to thank for the fantastic bass comping?
- Expanding on 2 page song pages landscape
- Why do we need to register in the app?
- Please add guitar tablature to chord scales
- Written-out rules for Editor features?
- How to export Audio in iReal Pro?
- Transposition
- Print and send options
- Making new list or adding to a song list
- Problem with guitar chord download. Help.
- Having Some issues with iphone in horizontal position, and chords overlapping.
- Forum reader bug
- Cool app, but frustrated
- Transferring a playlist from iPad to iPhone
- Odd behaviors in iReal Pro for iOS7.
- Style and Tempo Changes
- Playback has Static and Warble
- Changing Time Signature
- Triplets
- Adding lyrics directly to iReal Pro charts
- Problem purchasing styles pack [OLD INFO no longer valid]
- importation du forum ne fonctionne pas
- 1st & 2nd ending alignment
- Sorry, but I hate the iReal Pro interface for iPhone (iOS 6.1.3)
- Enable Autolock?
- Emailing Songs
- Song archive won't import
- Ballad 4/4, Bolero rhythms ?
- layout for song in 9/8
- An iReal Pro Text mode bonus
- bass notes in jazzstyle
- Syncing Libraries...via playlist??
- IOS 7, iReal Pro and Alesis IO Dock
- Emailing the entire library
- Playing tracks
- Problem with Apogee Duet on Ipad
- This song has a phantom key change
- Two icons after upgrade
- (CLOSED) How to add a 13th line (system) to a chord chart.
- Transferring purchases from iPad to iPod
- Transposing to the Nashville Number System
- Need help with an AABBB arrangement, please.
- Having trouble sending an iReal Pro chart from my iPhone to my Mac,
- Thread for discussion about using iReal Pro for iOS7 for performances.
- Request your assistance to find being equivalent for PC
- Posting single songs to forum?
- Short Chart only printing in Landscape mode
- Melody guides...what do you think?
- Saving the Progressions to text.
- Search by composer
- Minor 7b13 Chord???
- playing along on a gig
- "Number" chord charts
- Automatic next song on play list
- Download problem
- "Chords" vs. "Symbols" ??
- Transferring songs between IOS and Android
- Iphone to Ipad
- Guitar chords don't load
- Export piano chords for an entire song
- Phone plays last song in Music app instead of one in iReal Pro -SOLVED
- UX - Count in Roulette
- Question for the lyrics gurus among you
- Revealing iRealPro song downloads in Finder
- S & N over chords (small/normal chord-font)
- guitar sounds
- Backup >emailed> wouldn't open
- Stop time?
- Tempo doesn't work
- Backing Up Changes Made In Ireal Book
- Using D.C. al Coda ?
- Major 7 augmented; Dominant 7 augmented
- Transposing and editing
- Intermittent but persistent crash
- Audiobus compatibility
- Basic triad question, please.
- iReal Pro and Focusrite 2i4 playback Stutter
- Chords disappeared "Black-Screen Syndrome"?
- All songs play in the same tempo and same style
- More than one device
- iReal Pro Mixer
- Backup
- Player tempo problem
- A couple of temporary bugs after downloading iOS Pro update
- Audio Spluttering
- Selecting correct key
- iReal Pro: iOS7 vs. OS-X versions?
- Piano chord and scales
- Add piano chords
- Importing crash
- Set number of Chorus'es. Reverts
- Playback rushes
- Bluetooth and IOS7.1
- Guitar in the mixer
- How can i choose chord inversion to display?
- Hello from Dominican Republic
- Tapping on screen to play a tune or part of a tune
- min7b5 vs. dim7th Chords and Scales
- Intro and Ending for my jazz songs
- Writing minor 7 flat 6 chords
- My contribution to understanding the Editor tool
- ONE BIG question to understand circulation….
- Can ´t upgrade
- Left-handed chord diagrams?
- Mac Os X Styles
- Setting/changing default Language
- Screen
- Special chords - How to write them?
- dynamic style tempo changes in chart
- Sometimes piano chord font doesn't show
- Where is the documentation for the song editor?
- Restore playlists
- Gotta ask: re turning a page by swiping . . .
- Guitar chords library
- Print margins
- backward chord diagrams
- Audiobus - pitch shifting
- How to add page 2?
- Audio interface - low CPU mode
- Guitar chord display bug...
- what's the secret finger technique (iPad) for freezing a measure?
- iPhone 5S?
- Composition in more pages
- Ad lib repeating section
- Displayed guitar chords and player chords are different voicings
- How to enter C7M(#9)
- How to Print PlayList PDF
- Chords in incorrect or wrong place
- Download real books
- No Sound: Help a new user
- Using ireal in DAW
- Deleted Songs Restored on full startup
- Transferring Ireal files between Devices?
- Lyrics
- How to import a chart from IrealB on Computer to IRealb on Ipod
- some advice on how it works
- How to dial down drums in playback?
- MIDI file transfer iPad to PC no longer avaiable
- Wrong chord displayed in guitar font
- Playback position indicator freezes
- Sharp key
- Alternate method for limited text entry
- iOS 8
- iReal with Garage Band
- Changing from Apple iOS to Google Android
- Printing! Change orientation.
- Playing through stereo
- From IRealB to IReal Pro
- Question re Transposition
- very low volume IOS 8
- Tune switches key after time through
- Version 6.0 for iOS has been released
- Is it possible to write a melody line on top of an existing chart?
- IRealPro not working after $5.00 addition to settings
- semibreve rest
- I'm Stuck in Edit Mode -- can't save and close
- iReal Pro to OnSong?
- How to change chord symbols?
- Exporting MIDI--especially drums
- iReal Style Co-operative..?
- Feature Request -- floating text window on top of scores, alpha blending
- Count-in click unusable on external speaker in iReal Pro 6
- possible email problem/bug?
- How to delete a style description from Edit-Info?
- How to write down diminished chord
- What alteration does "alt" produce in Playback?
- Forums won't open
- Newbie
- Anticipation in IOS 8
- App crashes on init
- Playback adds strange unfinished a section in AABA tunes. Anyone know how to resolve?
- Son Montuno styles wonky
- 2 sets of repeats . in loop, the second one doesn't repeat .
- I want to repeat something 5x
- Playing style for 1st 2 choruses
- Problem with the scrolling during Playback in landscape mode
- smaller font ?
- Emoji's on charts are NOT supported
- No sound output on iPad 2 IO Dock
- How can I tell when to sing first note?
- Drum sound stuck
- variations, fills and endings....
- Playlist playing hide 'n' seek with me.
- Connection to GarageBand
- Rouge key signatures
- Simple chord progression?
- How to enter chords as a Bb trumpet player
- Preview Chords
- How post a Playlist without also posting "individual songs"?
- Inserting intro
- midi not usable
- Cannot email pdfs of chord charts
- Drops a half step on each repeat
- Is there an iReal Pro version for First generation iPad running iOS V. 5.1.1?????
- Chord inversions/figured bass
- playlist lacks alpabetical navigator
- Need advice with a problem measure.
- Trouble entering chords since last update(s)??
- Forum signature question.