dflat and others:

See my chart on "Golden Slumbers". This is a beautiful little song and for clarity sake (I hope!) I left space on the right of both the A & B section. I know that we try to go all the way to the right margin generally, but Lennon and McCartney mess with us by adding those brief 2/4 time sections!

Do you think this is fine or is the preference to stretch out some of the bars (which can cause its own visual problems IMHO) to have an unbroken right margin?

I have a feeling as I get into more complex, late-career Beatles stuff there might be more songs that don't fit the basic iReal model, so I'm just trying to get some clarity now.

Song reference from youtube. I end the chart with just Golden Slumbers...not going into the "Carry That Weight" segue-way.

Golden Slumbers by Lennon-McCartney

Keep interpreting the Beatles at your jazz gigs!