2024 will there be an upgrade taking into consideration for all the amazing suggestions ?

Chord correction / Library additions
Time Signatures
Counting highlights
Multiple pages
Auto play set list
Community forum headings update


Having said that these are just a few that I’ve noticed on the feature discussion request. Long story short, this program is amazing anybody that uses it loves it. The reason why we request these things it would make the joy of music practicing writing, and performing that much better. This is an amazing program that is /was well thought out -now we just need to round out all the rough edges and make this collectively the best music app on the market. Please please please please please please please please please please please please please update the software, taking into consideration all the awesome requests getting rid of the silly ones . Don’t know about everyone else but I’d be willing to pay again to re-down load same application with upgrades or have a package to be bought that does the upgrade. Hands-down love this application.
