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Thread: Can I listen on my PC?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Can I listen on my PC?

    I just learned about iReal b. Amazing. But sad because I have no ios device, and it's not in my budget right now. If I use the web editor on my PC with Windows 7, is there a way for me to listen to the song on that same PC. Can I download a player for this?I was able to view the chart for the song I was looking at, but didn't see a way to listen.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by MMinsul View Post
    ... If I use the web editor on my PC with Windows 7, is there a way for me to listen to the song on that same PC. Can I download a player for this?...
    Hello Michele, unfortunately no. The editor is just for inputting songs (it can be quicker using it than on a small phone-size device) or organizing playlists which are then exported to your iReal b app.
    You might be able to find a second hand iPod touch (usually they are quite cheap.) Currently iReal b runs on the old generation 2 iPod touch, but future updates will not be able to run on it.
    A new iPod touch would be ideal if you are not able to afford an iPhone or tablet. Some people have one just for this purpose.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    As a workaround, you could record the finished score audio from a friends Android or Ipod/pad to your PC/mac and make playlists, etc. I'm doing similar to get my tracks into guitar effects floor unit, which plays wave files for my backup tracks.

    Another option might be to use a streaming app on your mobile device to stream it to anything with a browser on your router, like a PC/mac/pad/game console, TV, etc.. Android offers many streaming apps, not sure about ipad.
    Last edited by tekrytor; 03-08-2012 at 12:00 AM.

  4. #4


    I love iRealB. I have it on my iPhone and iPad. I know you don't have a PC version but, it would really be nice to play it at home on my PC studio and practice and record my improve. Great way to see your progress. Best Wishes.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    so do you think is possible to stream my android phone to my pc and listen the i real b from the pc sound card wich is much better than the htc phone, of course

    any chance you'll be making this app even for the pc???
    that would be gourgeous

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    i already streamed the phone, but od course, it is not possible to open any app

    why don't you make also the pc version of this wonderful app????


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by pawan View Post
    so do you think is possible to stream my android phone to my pc and listen the i real b from the pc sound card wich is much better than the htc phone, of course

    any chance you'll be making this app even for the pc???
    that would be gourgeousFiction Fighters is a browserbased online card game set in a comic universe. Hence all actions take place in a comic style. You chose your opponent, you set up your
    fighting deck and you're good to go. Whether you battle against an NPC or another fiction fighter, always be prepared to be buried under rocks, punched by incoming syringes or grilled by a giant magnifier.
    good idea!
    Last edited by irealb13; 08-09-2012 at 10:05 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    With the arrival of Windows 8, I would LOVE to see you guys create a Windows app. Also, since Windows Phone and Windows itself share quite a bit of code base, it would be great to have both!

  9. #9


    "With the arrival of Windows 8, I would LOVE to see you guys create a Windows app. Also, since Windows Phone and Windows itself share quite a bit of code base, it would be great to have both!"

    oh no, please, not another One-OS Only nightmare!! Please only try to make applications that are portable, i.e. Java based or the like.
    Where is the problem in porting the Web Editor to a stand-alone .jar ?? I think this would definitely help and also it would be nice to be able to just download and upload the files to and from the sandbox or other forums.

    Hope someone picks this up ..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by helmutguitar View Post
    "With the arrival of Windows 8 ... it would be great to have both!"
    ...Where is the problem in porting the Web Editor to a stand-alone ...
    It takes a lot of development time to support our 3 versions already. A few people have had a some success in running Bluestacks app on Windows with the android version of iReal b. We do not test this combination specifically, but it might be useful for you.

    how-to-use-ireal-pro-on-windows-pc ?

    Read this:
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 12-13-2016 at 03:55 PM.


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