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Thread: Human Nature (Michael Jackson) - Steve Porcaro, John Bettis

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Human Nature (Michael Jackson) - Steve Porcaro, John Bettis

    from Thriller / Michael Jackson album

    Human Nature (Michael Jackson) - Steve Porcaro, John Bettis

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Nice work with the chart!
    I've also tried to edit one.
    It's a bit tricky because this song require a chord type that is not available in the IRP chord library: in this song, most A major chords should include the 4th (A,C#,D, E). I've noticed that you have used a DMaj9/A (second chord of the intro) as a substitute, but it's really an A major (with a 4th), because there is no F# in that chord (which is the case with a DMaj9 chord).
    Anyway, it's too bad that IRP doesn't offer such chord type (major add4), which is very common in pop/rock.
    That same chord is also actually used for the A7sus (at the end of the first chorus). It should be a Dmaj(add4)/A, (voiced from to bottom to top A,G,D, F#) which is basically a A13sus, but without the 5th (E note) and without the 9th (B note). It just doesn't sound the same. So I've used a basic A7sus instead.
    It's a difficult task to edit this song because most chords have very specific voicings that blends with several instruments.
    The following chart follows the form exactly with the IRP player:
    Human Nature - Porcaro-Bettis (Michael Jackson)
    Last edited by CyrilleB; 03-05-2024 at 08:15 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    As for the A7sus, I agree with you, I simply forgot it, my mistake.

    As for the 2nd bar, I couldn't omit D because the original song
    produces mysterious mood by D together with C#,
    and I realized F# didn't spoil the mood while playing it.

    Thanks, yours is nice work too.

    from Thriller / Michael Jackson album

    Human Nature (Michael Jackson) - Steve Porcaro, John Bettis
    Last edited by shin1ro; 03-07-2020 at 10:51 PM. Reason: typo

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013



    I understand what you mean about the A(add4).
    Sure, it definitely needs both C# and D to get that sound.
    Because this chord type is not available in IRP, it's just a matter of choice whether which chord would substitute better.
    In such situations, I usually prefer to use the most basic form of the chord. For ex. if a song needs a minor(add9) chord (that is also not available in the chord library), I would simply use a simple minor chord (1, b3, 5). Because using a minor 9th chord would includes a minor 7th, and that just doesn't sound right in those tunes.
    So I apply the same concept here. I'd rather use a chord with a missing note than a chord that includes a note that is not supposed to be there. This is just my opinion. Also, since the riff melody in the intro already includes a D note over that chord, an AMaj chord will work just fine when played together with the riff.
    Your choice is also valid, though. It just depends of how it is voiced by the player.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2024


    Human Nature (Michael Jackson) 1 - Steve Porcaro, John Bettis

    From the Michael Jackson' songbook


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