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Thread: iReal Pro and compatible Android devices

  1. #11


    The ability to shop online is a blessing (variety, convenience, competitive prices) and a curse (can't take things for a test drive). But you've answered my question and I will proceed with caution. If I do gamble on an Intel-driven tablet, without the benefit of holding a "test device" in my hands first, I'll make sure there's a no-hassle return policy. And I will post my findings in the Forum. Thanks.
    There's two kinds of mistakes you can play: The ones you notice, and the ones somebody else might notice.

  2. #12


    I tried running iRealPro on an Intel Android (KitKat 4.4, using VBox on a Linux system) and it seems to work. The sound is a bit staggy but I contribute that to VBox.
    However, as Massimo wrote, results may differ from one tablet to another so be careful.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by DaleMac View Post
    The ability to shop online is a blessing (variety, convenience, competitive prices) and a curse (can't take things for a test drive). But you've answered my question and I will proceed with caution. If I do gamble on an Intel-driven tablet, without the benefit of holding a "test device" in my hands first, I'll make sure there's a no-hassle return policy. And I will post my findings in the Forum. Thanks.
    Thank you DaleMac! Which device were you looking at exactly? We might have a user who has the same device and I could check it

  4. #14


    The specific tablet I'm talking about here is the Nextbook Ares 11 (11.6-in. IPS screen, 1GB RAM/64GB storage, Android 5.0 Lollipop, Intel Atom z3735g Quad-Core 1.8GHz processor). Its $200 price tag makes it very appealing, but a YouTube review warned of the Intel processor, as well as stability issues with the new 5.0 OS. I've been looking at many other tablets online (primarily to get a larger, better monitor than the "TN" type I have now). The majority don't even identify the brand of processor in the product description, which is quite frustrating.

    Edit: I just now happened upon a ZDNet article saying 5.1 has "general stability and performance improvements" so that's encouraging.

    Post Script: I ended up not getting an Intel processor tablet after all. Instead I got RCA's Maven Pro with a very nice 11.6" IPS screen. And I've experienced no problems running iRP on Lollipop.
    Last edited by DaleMac; 06-25-2015 at 11:10 PM.
    There's two kinds of mistakes you can play: The ones you notice, and the ones somebody else might notice.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2015


    I don't have experience with tablets yet, but would like to buy one with sole purpose of running iRP. Since budget is limited I thought of going with some small Android device. Are there any recommendations for minimum screen resolution with respect to using iRP comfortably? And does anyone have experience with running iRP on Lenovo tablets?
    Thanks and all the best,

  6. #16


    I first ran iRealPro (or iRealBook, as it was called then) on an Archos 10.1 tablet. ARM v6 processor, 800MHz, 512MB memory. It ran fine.
    I think it will be very hard to find a tablet that is less capable than that one, but make sure it is ARMv7 technology.
    As for screen resolution, I mainly depends on the quality of your eyes. I currently use a Samsung Note 10.1 and although I can read music on a smaller screen, due to my old eyes I certainly wouldn't do this for live performances.

  7. #17


    Re: screen size
    I started with an iPod Touch (phone-sized) I used it in performance mounted on a mic stand about a foot from my face.
    Next, I went to an iPad, easily readable from a music stand...but, for me, it's like carrying around a surfboard.
    Now, I use a iPad mini. Most of the folks I play with have also selected 7-8" tablets. Seems to be about the right compromise between readability and portability.
    The mini's chart display in portrait mode seems very similar in size to the full-sized iPad's chart size in landscape mode.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by matoi View Post
    ... I thought of going with some small Android device. Are there any recommendations for minimum screen resolution with respect to using iRP comfortably?
    As far as 7, 8, or 10 size tablets, it depends on how far away you are from it (what instrument you play etc.) If a pianist or play guitar seated you are reasonably near the tablet and a smaller size is ok, but if you are standing with a sax or bass on stage and move about a little (or a lot) a larger one is needed. If you know anyone running iReal Pro, print out a PDF or screenshot at a couple of sizes similar to the tablet screen dimensions and put it on your music stand as a basic test.
    Resolution itself, pixel density etc. should be ok on all the recent devices. Check maximum brightness of the screen by going outside (if this is where you might use it sometimes, although all devices suffer to some extent.)

    The proportions of tablets can differ and although the charts will show clearly on any, you might find you prefer a particular proportion better. iReal Pro will run in portrait or landscape on tablets, with the playlist or song index on the left so you might prefer this for quick access to the next song (obviously the chart is smaller in landscape.)

    Also although you think you might only want the tablet for running iReal Pro, check with other friends what other apps they run. For instance, if occasionally you want to use PDF notation charts, then a 10 inch tablet is more suitable. (MobileSheets Pro is a dedicated music notation app for viewing PDFs (jpgs etc.) that many iReal Pro users use, running iReal Pro player in the background.)

    Consider Nexus 7—the 2013 model has just been discontinued, but you might find it perfectly adequate and Lollipop (latest OS) has been rolling out for the Nexus range. (It connects to Chromecast if you ever need to display on a large screen (band practice, teaching, demonstrations, live gigs) and from our quick initial tests iReal Pro seems to work through it.)

    Also older ones can be ok too (check eBay). The battery would have deteriorated in a used tablet. I presume they can be changed with servicing, but if it is USB charged, a small USB power battery pack can easily be used when this happens. If a mains adapter, then this is another factor as you will eventually have to use it with a power cable.

    You might also be able to use it on an older phone if you want a smaller size than 7 inch, not necessarily running the device as a phone, but you will need to set up internet access to the Google Play store for purchase and licensing checks.

    Currently iReal Pro runs on Android 4.0.3 and above (iReal Pro v6.1)

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2015


    Many thanks for kind replies. I bought a Lenovo Tab A7. I plan to use it only at home for practice, so 7" seemed just fine. iRP runs beautifully.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Good, glad it works for you. Thanks for the feedback on that model as this may help others decide.
    Have fun!


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